This 20-acre park features a tennis court, swimming pool, dog park, river access, several historical structures, and a variety of playground equipment. WebThe district also includes three historic churches. 152 CR 4145. Official Capital Designations - Texas State Library House Resolution No. google_color_border = "336699"; It has also been named one of the top 100 small art communities in the nation twice and is one of the 51 named cultural districts in Texas! We will have 4 routes to choose from 20, 40, 60 and 80 miles. Disclaimer: Event details may change at any time. And Bosque County is sometimes called Texas Norway. WebExplore Trending Festivals in Texas. ATX Television Festival. We will be donating the first month of each new vendor & artist subscription to the Austin Justice Coalition. A joint project of the Clifton Economic Development Corporation and the Clifton Chamber of Commerce. Book a Waco Wine Tour and one of your stops will be Valley Mills Vineyard. If youre looking for an affordable, but romantic getaway, Olafs is a great spot for a romantic dinner. Check their online schedule for the most accurate information. Explore Dinosaur Valley State Park, go on safari at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, shop around downtown, and so much more in Glen Rose. google_ad_height = 600; WebAddress: 115 N. Ave. D Clifton, Texas 76634 Phone: (254) 675-3720 / (800) 344-3720 A joint project of the Clifton Economic Development Corporation and the Clifton Chamber of Commerce. The gift shop is stocked with Norwegian souvenirs of every variety. Please review the official website or check with the event organizer when planning to attend the event. You may notice storefronts guarded by their own, unique troll cutouts along Main Street. 26 November 1967, Dallas (TX) Morning News, The Lutefisk Festival by Frank X. Tolbert, section A, pg. There, visitors can enjoy a myriad of seasonal exhibits, refreshments, and shop for unique homemade Christmas gifts ranging from candies to paintings, pottery, crafts and jewelry. google_ad_height = 600; northern states, would eventually settle between Clifton and
google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; There, visitors can enjoy a myriad of seasonal exhibits, refreshments, and shop for unique homemade Christmas gifts ranging from candies to paintings, pottery, crafts and jewelry. register for the ETTC. No need to make separate plans to accommodate dietary restrictions! Multiple Locations in Historic Clifton Clifton, TX, 2023 Copyright Everfest, Inc. All rights reserved. Clifton is home to a flagship tasting room of Meridian, Texas Red Caboose Winery & Distillery. The Bosque Tour De Norway Bike Rally, May 15,2021.
Historic Clifton, Clifton, Texas. The Norwegian Capital of Texas is full of amazing art, history, food, and more to add to your list of things to do in Clifton. //--> WebHistoric Clifton, Clifton, Texas Disclaimer: Event details may change at any time. WebRegistration opens at 6:30 a.m. at the Clifton High School Gym. The church is the annual site of the Norse Smorgasbord, a feast of traditional foods introduced to the area by Norwegian settlers. Every third Saturday of the month, the Paul & Jane Meyer Observatory welcomes the public for a freetour of the facility where youll have the chance to glimpsestriking images captured by the Meyer telescope. Visitors to Clifton may explore the vast collection of pioneer Norwegian articles at the Bosque Memorial Museum, or take the Cleng Peerson Memorial Highway west to the Norse Historic District. Wikipedia: Cleng Peerson
He is of mostly Norwegian descent. WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Texas is pleased to designate Clifton, Texas, as the Norwegian Capital of Texas; and Among its many offerings are a performing theatre, classes in a variety of subjects, an annual photography show and a nationally recognized art show. WHEREAS, The Bosque Memorial Museum, a legacy from immigrant farmer Jacob Olson, will help visitors learn more about the early settlers in the region; and Check the Bosque Arts Centerswebsiteand Facebookto stay up to date on the latest events happening in Clifton.
Although it has been in business since 1916, you can purchase tickets to any of todays much anticipated movies. He was buried at the cemetery at Norse, Texas. Audio provided by Dorothy Emmerich. WebNorwegian Country Christmas Home Tour, Clifton, Texas. Artisan demonstrations normally include quilting, Norwegian painting, and wood carving. Copyright 2023 Clifton All Rights Reserved. Today, the Ringness House is a museum open for tours on special occasions and by appointment. RESOLVED, That the 76th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby name Clifton the Norwegian Capital of Texas and applaud its citizens for their notable efforts in preserving the fascinating heritage of the area. He was in his seventies when he arrived with his wife and children in 1841. When the Norwegian settlers came to Bosque County in 1857, they were under the leadership of the great Cleeng Pearson, The Father of Norse immigration to the U.S., and a man much revered in Minnesota, and Ole Knutson (or Knudson). WHEREAS, The special cultural and historical significance of Clifton has made it quite well known; the Texas Historical Commission designated the town a Texas Main Street City because of its atmosphere and famous hospitality; and
() WHEREAS, Settled about 1854, the area had as two of its most notable settlers Ole Canuteson and Cleng Peerson, who established the community of Norse in Bosque County; presently, the largest population of Norwegian Americans in the South and Southwest call Clifton home; and In honor of the sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) of this event, in 1975 Cleng Peerson and a portion of an America letter were depicted on a Norwegian NK 1.40 postage stamp.