And always keeps thinking that what I have done wrong?
I let them live their best life and Im living mine. She has lost her spiritual awareness. These are the skills and chores teens should be doing to fully prepare them for being on their own. You did your job as a loving mother. Id like to share a few tips that got me to the other side of the teenager storm. Ummm, making friends.scary. She has forgotten who she is, like many, if not most, people alive right now. Then I found this website. My heart was broken. Didnt take her to a therapist when shed cry a lot over nothing (she was 7 at the time). And thats ok. You have to trust that you know everything that you are SUPPOSED to know. He tells me I am stupid all the time. It took a while to get a diagnosis. What will happen to him?
Try it and lemme know how it goes. Its OUR time ladies! Theres obviously some emotional trauma with your son. I am your mothera relic from another time, one who does not understand your pain, your life changes, your struggles, or how you think and act. There was 1 unenthusiastic phone call and a couple of brief texts.
My son was 24when my oldest daughter was born Now I have 2 teenage girls and there is nothing about raising a boy that can prepare you for the hell that teenage girls put you throughHave lots patience, choose your battles, try not to let them know that you are loosing it, pray alot and love them alot. For example, Classic Rock is a nice compromise and is very uplifting. Not you catering to her every need at the drop of a hat. Even with normal teenagers, parents are often the last people who can help them and tend to be the default people to blame for everything they are unhappy about. You need to follow it to the T (together). and ae fruitful. Sadhguru I looked up and listened to some of the videos, first off the one about dealing with teens, and it kind of helped, kind of didnt. Cherish the good memories, and have faith for the future. Pick a doozy of a mistake (this will definitely grab their attention). I spoiled him rotten and treated him like a king. Im having a hard time breaking down the wall (its been 48 hours). I tried to explain to him that now that is daddys job because now I am the one paying 800 dollars a month child support.he said but daddy always says nowe have to wait for sales. Hes complaining about school system, education system and think college education is useless. I grew up with respect for my parents and would never of dreamed about treating them as my daughter treats me. Dont take any liberties and respect the boundaries your teen is trying to set. There throw a lot of complaints our way. My daughter refused to go to college, so she joined the Navy. Be a good parent but as they get older, ensure you make time for you. Realizing they are trying to spread their wings of independence, we as parents represent boundaries, consequences, set of guidelines. Hang in there. And, her having a different perspective would make her a more rounded individual. Shes home now and still hates me but in a way that all teenagers do. Its really hard to talk about the painful things that happen to us (no matter what your age). I was so devastated I cried all the time. She has even told me, we are not friends in real life, why would we be on facebook? They never acknowledge Mothers day or my birthday, other than a text maybe. Suxh things may be out of our control.
One day they will regret how theyve behaved but itll be when theyve made some mistakes for themselves and realise life is not so black and white! If they are in your life, they are there for a reason.
Its important that we dont project our mental illness on our children. It may or may not have anything to do with you, but it needs to be looked at. However, recently I felt hes becoming more and more weird and un-socialized. Im not trying to be mean but there;s no other way to say this. I had no warning, was in the middle of buying a house with a garage and workshop for him. As he has read some many philosophy and psychology books. They need to be prepared. No, I did not call the police, nor did I kick him out of the house, since above all I fear his endangering himself. Its good he doesnt like his job. Always, always, always remember, you can try and guilt your child into spending time with you but it will always be a chore for them. I lost a job, and my own mother (with whom I always had a somewhat strained relationship, only realizing when it was too late that this was 99.9999999% my own fault as well) died, and I met these friends who were fun at first, and flattering, andwell, we never had much stability but by the time my son turned 9 Id chucked it all up in the air, moved away from family again, and my son and I set off on a several years-long cross-country odyssey of stupidity featuring various not-great freelance gigs, some really substandard accommodations, some very haphazard, very minimal homeschooling (certain states really do not care what you do as long as youre out of their hair and their budget), one kind-of bad boyfriend and one incarnation of pure evil. Thanks for an article filled with advice thats helpful not only to mothers but also to teachers of teenagers. Since you and I are very similar in nature and have been rejected by our child, I can tell you what I did to take charge of my life. Appreciate every breath you are given and live life for the people that their lives were cut short. And no, I dont believe being a good parent gives you a guarantee they will love you back. They could be very complex issues that require some work on your end. So, you can start doing immediately. I always told myself Id follow him into hell if need be, and now I have, but it isnt helping him at all. We never say no for these kind of learning expenses.
She was licensed last year in May, got a car, wrecked it in 4 days, it was totaled, got another, she has been in 4 accidents, smokes weed constantly. You can get a lavender or sage candle to burn in the house. I talked to my sister some, when dropping my son off, about maybe looking to move back to the general area where my family lives way more expensive than where Im living now (why cant I come from a nice cheap hometown instead of a way-out-of-my-price-range DC suburb? The school nurse should have pads for these types of emergencies. I just came to this thread after my 15-year-old son screamed in my face about how much he hates me, how sick he is of me, how he thinks everything about me is disgusting and pathetic and he hates himself for being associated with me and he cant wait to get away from me and never see me again. My kids are older, 23, 20, 17. Its up to the creator to teach us our lessons, not our parents or other people. Rachel, I totally agree with you on many levels. Talk to them as if you were talking to another adult. Let it be. Because you should be.
Suggestions. DR. Even perfection wouldnt be good enough for your daughter right now, but even just still functioning and wanting to see her happy is a big achievement. This teaches them nothing and ill prepares them for life. You just have to let go and find your next purpose. Shackles I put on my own ankles. Best they learn while they are under our roof so we can help lift them back up when they fall. It is 30 years since I was at home and he is still the same although kinder to me than he was when I lived with him. Its important for all humans to know its ok to say your sorry. Be open and completely honest. He would always give me updates so at least I was getting some information. But since its a private school requiring term notice for early withdrawal.
Give them the space to grow. He deserved better. Through our entire adult lives, we wrestle with hormones surging in our bodies, but after our teenage years we have developed enough to manage most of the residual emotions. To take care of yourself. Historically, this change has been attributed to hormones, which is certainly a large part of it. Your loved one should be eating plenty of living food (uncooked). But if I can do this, I believe things will begin changing. You went and continue to work to give to your son, dont give UP.
And while he did actually talk to me about a lot of this last night, it was a very one-sided conversation since almost every time I tried to speak he would hit me in the face. Why she blows her money, why she lays in bed all the time and why she doesnt want to do her homework. Im rooting for you! Realize, you are more than the content of your brain. They will be their own person with their own identity but at the same time if you can just weather the storm with them they are going to become fabulous young adults that I promise you will be so proud of. Fortunately she was doing well in school and well behaved, so it was kind of containable at home but unbelievably awful to live with. Im in DE. The push and pull..Everything you describe here is totally normal. If she cant get you to respect her boundaries, how will she get others who dont love her, respect them? Then they will be afraid that you will break down and wont be able to handle their problems. Dear MFS, We all have to realize that NO ONE owes us anything. She didnt have to, but she did. This will eliminate any interpretational issues. They both think they know everything and mom knows nothing. Its true, when you give them what they want, they will end up giving you what you want. Still makes me tear up. My sister was an over bearing home schooler and it was just too much for her daughter. A lot of teens dont do this. Part of our job as a parent is to be a good role model and teach them how to maturely and lovingly work through whatever life throws our way. Its not been smooth sailing since them, and she still frequently blames us for stuff and throughs insults. I guess it takes even longer) Best wishes and thank you for your encouragement. You will find support there and a lot of wisdom. Your son has given you some very wise, helpful advice. At one point I had things almost calmed down when the 3 year old gets out of the car and points his little finger and said no mommy you lie mommy you bad go home, and I knew at that time something had to change before my son gets released, or my grandchildrens options change. If you dont, he could blame you for not doing your job. I have spoiled her and now I am facing the consequences. He also got a job, something hes been wanting to do for years, and now, in his 2nd week on the job, he hates it, too. I had a great relationship with our daughter up untill she was 14.She finially made her First Holy Communion then with the 2nd graders since it was put off for various reasons over the years.I got her the traditional white,poofy communion dress and veil with the white tights and the white mary janeshoes to wear.Since the communion dress is considered an extension of the baptism gown,it is a tradition for the girls to wear a cloth diaper and plastic pants and under shirt under their dresses to represent the purity of their baptisms.I told the daughter that she would follow the tradition and wear a diaper and plastic pants under her tights with the undershirt as her top.She wasnt happy about having to wear them,but got thru the day ok.After that,she seemed to regard me as an overbearing mom and our relationship became more distant! Use the extra time you will gain from over parenting to find yourself. Either way, I wasnt having it. And, ya know..girls and moms arent always on the same page.They DO come back to us though. This is not your fault. I just feel parents always have to be 100% there for the kids but arent they also supposed to grow up to be caring individuals? We are all a part of the universe (like a drop of water is a part of the sea) and we will all go back into the universe once we expire. Or, calls out of the blue to say hi or remembers his Moms favorite color is blue. It touches my collar, he said. I think that it is definitely a time where you have to be willing to give them a little bit of space space to grow and space to fail, and just let them know that you are still going to be there for them whenever it is that they decide that they need you again. Its best they learn this as early as possible so they learn the emotional intelligence skills to handle not getting their way. The important thing would be to talk to her about it, and not say nasty things to her during said convo. It turned into a complete mess. To figure out what is next for you. Hed been less able to deal with criticism, minor upsets, jokes, or comments contrary to his point of view. Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. Start by saying, that you would really like that because then they could go pick up groceries, run errands, get your car washed and fill up your tank for you. So glad to hear that you wont be charged. ..he should have taKen all of the responsibilities that come with him. He was in shock.almost looked embarrazssed. No dispensation for how much i still tried to be engaged and make it fun and loving when i was home with him. You can subtly guide him by figuring out what he wants to do for a living. A good rule of thumb is to never ever, directly attack a person your teen is fond of. This morning I have cried and barely felt able to do any work from the shock my sons behavior can be. And we need to take whatever measures needed to make sure they get the message loud and clear. And give yourself some slack when you do get it wrong. Dancing is also just as good. Youre doing great CoralBlue! I dont know. How did we get here? There are a couple of behaviors or approaches to parenting teens that will drive the i have a 12 year old daughter and just had the worst night ever with her. 3. This is where you start building a new support system. They need space to learn these things on their own, without the help of a parent. If you are honest, real, sincere and consistent in your words, it will pay off. I am alone also to make all decisions. The silence and rejection Ive put up with. She just finished her 3rd deployment. Yesterday, before I flew back home alone (Id accompanied him out to my dads and sisters), my sister and I went shopping and almost everything I bought was for him. You are already blossoming! Not putting our expectations on other people. Money should always be a top concern. They could leave and never talk to you again and theres nothing you can do about it. I am a tomboy and my dad always yells at me that I need to act like my gender.
Tomorrow is not promised. And, pulls out her hair so she has bald spots. If you are failing at something, its the last thing you want to do, right?
She is very careless with money and lays in bed 100% of the time she but yesterday was a disater. He wont talk to any of us before mid December. Ive just had one of the crappiest years of my life, thanks to him and his drama. The hardest thing I ever did was leave her alone and find a life for myself. Basically, LET GO in a nice way. I also take 20 minutes a day to meditate (focusing on breathing and saying OUM). They only exist in my head and I have learned how to change my thought process to decrease my anxiety. Producer (s) Jack Tracy. " Just wished I could pack up and leave forever, never to have to fight so hard for my teens well being by myself. That wont help you. Take time for you, make yourself the priority now.. and of course know that your children will always be your children no matter how difficult the journey is. Please know that your love for your son is good and as mothers, our love for our children no not depend on them. But I am happy to report we have an amazing relationship now. Letting your teen run wild will help neither you nor your teen. One is going to college and having four more years to prepare for real life.
She deserves that! Its tough. They can not isolate themselves because they will just fall farther & farther down the pits of depression and loneliness. Arguing about doing no homework over the weekend after missing curfew both nights, and then terrible grades were added in yesterday. They never learn how to effectively communicate their feelings. Also the reason i hate him is because of what he did when i was younger, him and mom my got in a fight and he packed all my stuff and threw it in the trash ( you might think im lying but i watched him pull my stuff out the bin.) To be clear, nurturing is not buying her things, running to get her tampons, cooking her dinner, making her lunch or doing her laundry. The world is different than when I was your age, but the feelings are the same. I got a place at the beach and Im living my best life for me and everyone I come in contact with. Take a drive. I am extremely worried because I have 16yo who is much more emotional and hard to get a long with and I feel that she is going to do the same thing because she saw her older sister do this. Take your licks with grace and move on & up! But Im tired. The sooner we give them the reins to their own life, the sooner they will appreciate EVERYTHING we did for them and took care of on their behalf. So, its helpful to list all the things you are grateful for: 1) Youre alive 2) Your sons alive 3) You know where your son is 4) Your son is safe and with family. Not interject and tell them how they should live their lives.
And how am i not nutirning when I do everything I can for her? I have no idea who I am anymore. What will be your next step towards your joy, which doesnt include anyone else, but yourself. He refuses to talk to us, answer any question. Within two months of meeting him she moved in with him. We can also explain that we cant live in the past keeping our mistakes alive. But now, suddenly, shes shut you out and shares her private thoughts only with friends. But only lately she will not talk. She blamed me for her depression and for her eating disorder; for her social problems and her pretty much everything else. And BE love. Theres so much you can do. He is a very controlling person. However, from what I can observe the rewards comes much later. Yes, Im a terrible mother. Tell him you can put him on a payment plan (dollar amount and how many months) that you both agree on. I am surprised to see talk about hormones and such I grew up in a house with 6 sisters and one brother and I am right in the middle in term of age. But that all changed when she decided to hate me.
It is so easy to feel like a failure and hopeless. So, yeah, I know I need to get over him and allow him to grow and separate and all that, but the serious depression thing (his, and now mine) is kind of getting in the way of my acceptance since this isnt really a natural part of the maturation process. Create a chore list and assign dollar figures to each chore (what youre willing to pay of course). Sounds like theres more lessons to be learned. Im finding that a lot of parents are parenting from fear (in general but especially now!) Hi Vicky, Im so sorry to hear how hard things are for you. Ok, I hug the 4-year-olds when they hug me, since Im not completely evil, but I just cant even get into all the phony sentiment around the upcoming 8th-grade graduation since I know darn well theyll forget me within minutes of walking across that stage and I will forget them, too, and its really no big deal to any of us.
This includes family. All that is getting me through now is to slowly make time for me. Not sure if there are any psychological problems with him, he had a pyschotherapist at his secondary school but they never diagnosed anything. I feel that my son doesnt really understand that money isnt the cure-all, but no money is no cure at all. But, I had to respect their relationships boundaries. They could tell you they are attracted to the same sex. Remember, she controls who she keeps at her round table (a chosen small group of people closest to her). Teenagers How they will get life experiences before they leave the nest is by making mistakes and learning their lessons from them. I still dont feel very optimistic that he will ever forgive me for marrying the wrong guy and generally being an absentee parent, but if other people can live through it, maybe it wont destroy me. Im rooting for you! I've been a single parent since they were young and always prioritized their needs over mine. Did she have any adolescent difficulties? Always pray for the highest good for all involved. I stumbled across his youtube channel searching how do I not be so lonely. The whole purpose of spirituality is to fix yourself. So sorry to hear that you are suffering
Promise! I spent all my free moments with him, and I thought we had a loving and close relationship. So make sure he can be there for the appointment. Once you get past the content of your brain, you will be able to see who you really are and what you have to offer the world. How can you not love them! I am not sure this has rubbed off on them now. This is so confusing. SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE. You sound like you have done a good job with them, you have done your best, they have come out well and you are not a failure. Our children need to know that we are ok without them. As you said, we dont know your mom and Im not sure what she has done to make you feel this way.
If we look beyond all our needs that arent being fulfilled, all our blessings will automatically appear. Please dont give up hope. They have a son 12 a daughter 9 and another son 3. Ok my daughter hates me. The biggest thing was that she learned not to make hasty decisions and to think things through. They dont belong to us and they are not our property. Engage him in conversation about what his plans are after graduating high school. Its ok to admit when we are wrong. If you feed your mouth and ears with a little care, you will naturally reap the rewards. I can, and have, and do apologize for it, although we cannot directly speak of it. Or, maybe its against your religion? Make this a ritual. I guess Im writing you because I want to know how things are going 3 years later. Looks like its time for you to find your true self as well. This only leads to more fighting and resentment. And, at least she was talking to him and not a stranger. It was my God Daughter that told me Be there for my daughter when SHE needs me, not when I need her. After a serious illness and major surgery, he still doesnt help me much at all, while, of course, showing off muscles all the time. At least hes away from me, though, and he is with the only people in the world I really trust to look out for him, to the best of their ability (they cant be on him 24/7 either) but not to encourage him in his hate rants about what an awful person I am. If he wants to keep the lines of communication open, you will be happy to include him in anything that pertains to him. We wont move on until we learn the lesson du jour. Go back to school (thats what I did). They will look up to you for your strength, courage and setting an example of how important selfcare is and should be. Either you can help her or get her a tutor. This one, all you do is live in the past and you miss out on the unlimited possibilities life has to offer today. This may not be your fault, but it sounds like they still feel pressure to be on their mothers side which can be a terrible position to be in for any kid. She is on the verge of failing her senior year. Ive been alone and strong. But the sooner the adjustment, the better they will bounce back and find their groove.