WebFriendship Island, Chile. Maybe I live in a fantasy world but its better than the reality of the world today. For some on island, a planned project is a bridge too near. Conversations became very common during the afternoons. A crew from Televisin Nacional (TVN) even managed to capture it on film. WebChilo is the largest island in the country of Chile. With the rise of farming, inland areas of Chilo Island began to be occupied; previously only the coastline had been inhabited. Los Angeles, Apr 5 (EFE).- US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday welcomed Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen to California and at their meeting hailed US-Taiwanese friendship amid great controversy about the issue and how Beijing will react to such a statement. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1914. WebFRIENDSHIP es una misteriosa isla del archipilago de las Guaitecas (Chile) que no est en el mapa pero que la gente al sur de Chilo conoce por rumores que la vinculan a sanaciones milagrosas y seres extraterrestres. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1914. The east coast is deeply indented, with several natural harbors and numerous smaller islands. Web715-698-2488. His hair was dark blond, with light eyes and slightly toasted skin. Stories told by those who claim having been there have only served to deepen the mystery behind Friendship Island.There is a growing belief among locals that Friendship Island can be found at the coordinates below, but this suspicion remains to be verified:45 1'20.88\"S7410'16.18\"W The island, they say, is littered with all manner of strange, highly advanced technology. Friendship Breezes is a two-bedroom, two-bath villa complete with pool and all modern amenities. The project combines long-term research, educational and capacity building programs for marine conservation combined with the sustainable development of the local communities. rose stabler bio; 37 01 223rd st, bayside, ny 11361 Esta pgina se edit por ltima vez el 1 ene 2023 a las 17:37. Comerciante de profesin, adquiri una radio con una antena de 11 metros para sus comunicaciones: Tomamos contactos con estos seores que primero pensamos que se trataba de religiosos o mormones por su forma de hablar. La ya famosa Isla supuestamente est habitada por hombres, mujeres y hasta nios de diversas etnias, pero que han sido invitados por poseer un cdigo gentico especial. Estos personajes dijeron tener una isla en el Sur de Chile: Su nico transporte era un yate en el que movian maquinaria y a la gente que los visitaba. WebPhone Number (954)-871-1411. Si el artculo te gust, comprtela con tus amigos. Easter Island, Chile. "The radar return," explains Rodrguez, "is fair to poor, and only the raw primary signal can be seen." Su cabello era rubio oscuro, con ojos claros y su piel algo tostada. High 73F. Ecotourism in the Valdivian Temperate Rainforest. at La ubicacin exacta de la Isla no se conoce, sin embargo, uno de los testigo, (Ernesto de la Fuente asegur que sus amigos estelares lo sanaron de cncer despus de haber estado en la Isla. Eventually, he claimed to have not only met members of Friendship in person, but to have also been to the Island they inhabited. Did you know that the most populated island in the world is in South America? Address. [1][9], El impacto meditico sobre la existencia de la isla, que alcanz los principales medios de Chile (incluyendo a TVN),[3] motiv dos expediciones de bsqueda; una con el apoyo y personal de la Armada de Chile[10] y otra privada.
The point indicated as the location of Friendship Island is between the Chonos and Guaitecas archipelago, in southern Chile. What did the Friendship want to prove with this show of force? Cont con el apoyo de la Embajada de Japn en Chile. 22nd Ave Pompano Beach, Fl. Entre el archipilago de los Chonos y el de las Guaitecas. The friendship between America and the people of Who were they, indeed?. It is one of the most controversial cases of Chilean ufology. In none of them was it possible to reach the given coordinates. Friendship Breezes The Perfect Island Getaway. On one particular island, I noticed these odd Their facial expressions radiated peace to you, she told Chilean television. Due to protests, they cancel LGTB + concert in France. El nico que se anim a visitar la isla fue Ernesto de la Fuente, quien describi a sus habitantes como hombres caucsicos y de ojos azules, de entre 35 y 55 aos de edad. It is found in the Pacific Ocean in Northern Patagonia, about 1200 km south of Santiago de Chile. Uno se encontraba con mucha gente en los pasillos, todo el mundo sonrea y nadie hablaba fuerte. Josep Guijarro is another outstanding member of Spain's "third generation" of UFO researchers and has the distinction of being one of the few investigators to have witnessed one of the so-called Grey aliens during the course of researching an abduction case. Secrets of Friendship Island by Josep Guijarro Since 1984, a group of ham radio operators has claimed to be in contact with a strange congregation known as "the Friendship"--composed of beings of a Nordic aspect and having strange accents who have considerable technical knowledge and have also predicted important scientific, political That is one of the main questions raised by those who argue that this story is false. * Es as como habran anunciado terremotos, desastres naturales y la cada del Challenger. Home; Listen. [9], Chilo only became part of the Chilean republic in 1826, eight years after independence and following the two failed campaigns for independence in 1820 and 1824. The place is supposedly inhabited by superior beings. It isn't until August 17, 1985 that the Ortiz family realizes that they are truly facing the extraordinary. Of roughly rectangular shape, the southwestern half of the island is a wilderness of contiguous forests and swamps. Ms all de la supuesta experiencia de Ernesto de la Fuente, Octavio Ortiz fue el primer chileno en ser contactado a travs de la radio. De esta manera est aceptada la idea de que la isla Friendship solamente aparece a elegidos y que tiene un escondite subterrneo. Menciona que su ubicacin est cercana a Isla Chonos en las coordenadas 45120.88S 741016.18W. The monument is the only known shared breeding site for Humboldt and Magellanic penguins. Map. with references to the story and its elements appearing in other television shows. Hace ya varios aos que se perdi el contacto con los supuestos habitantes de la isla. That is what can be deduced by reading the transcript of the communications. WebPRIM is a new grid based magazine/newspaper inspired theme from Themes Kingdom A small design studio working hard to bring you some of the best wp themes available online. 55 plus apartments in east kildonan; used sewer jetter trucks for sale FRIENDSHIP is a mysterious island at the Archipilago de las Guitecas (Chile) which does not exist on the map. En la regin de Aysn se habla de un grupo de seres que experimentara con alta tecnologa y que ayudara a gente elegida. Algunos plantean que todo se trat de un experimento de tipo mental; otros dijeron que las manos de los nazis estn detrs del caso y la mayora cree que se trata de seres extraterrestres que han elegido el extremo austral de Chile como base para sus operaciones en la Tierra.
4 min ago. The temperature was constant and around 20 C, which for me was a luxury, after the cold that I was used to suffering in Chile. Length : 33 minutes 20 seconds( up-converted 4K ) En estas comunicaciones, participaron otros radioaficionados chilenos, adems de algunos invitados de otras partes del mundo. No obstante quienes han mencionado tener contacto con ellos; concuerdan en que los friendship que han visto son todos hombres altos de aspecto nrdico que se hacen llamar como los ngeles,Miguel, Rafael, Ariel, etc. Y pueden estar equivocadas. Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. Everything was controlled through computer processors: There was a heated pool, three large greenhouses, satellite TV lounges, and other amenities that I would have never imagined. This thread is archived . rose stabler bio; 37 01 223rd st, bayside, ny 11361 [11][7][2], La Asociacin Escptica de Chile niega la existencia de la isla, calificndola de bulo y rechazando que corresponda a la Isla Kent. WebI was recently taken by the stories of Friendship Island circulated in South America, and have been poking around Google Maps to see if I could find anything interesting on any islands off the Chilean coast. 23 S.E. We analyze the history of the mysterious island friendship, this supposed island located in Chile that is inhabited by an enigmatic community of beings. La interpretacin propia de dichas fuentes. Javier Krueger Required fields are marked *. Con tu suscripcin navegs sin lmites, acceds a contenidos exclusivos y mucho ms. Were those objects UFO's? The Alfaguara project (blue whale project), conducted by the Cetacean Conservation Center, is based at Puihuil on the northwest coast. [1] The climate is cool temperate oceanic with Mediterranean precipitation pattern. Todo empez cuando, en los aos 80, unos radioaficionados en el extremo sur de Chile empezaron a recibir mensajes de unas personas cultas, que posean mucha informacin y que podan saber las cosas que hacan los radioescuchas sin poder verlos. 1 2 3 4 No se ha encontrado ninguna prueba de su existencia. [6], Isla Friendship se queda sin su mayor leyenda: Falleci hombre que fue sanado en el mtico lugar, Isla de Friendship: extraterrestres en el sur de Chile, La misteriosa Isla Friendship, ovnis o farsa? Curiosity over the true identities of those who conceal themselves under the guise of "angels of the Lord" disrupts the Ortiz family's life: the radio remains on at all hours and Cristina, Octavio's wife--a shrewd and restless woman--makes an effort at getting to the bottom of the greatest question: the origins of their interlocutors. : Aphrodites character would no longer continue in the series after kissing Vicente, Price of the BCV dollar TODAY, Thursday, April 6: official rate according to the Central Bank of Venezuela, Veil for Mexican actor Andrs Garca in Acapulco, DolarToday and Dollar Monitor: price of the parallel dollar TODAY, Thursday, April 6, in Venezuela, Former manager of Son Tentacin lashes out at Eduardo Rabanal and calls him cargacarteras by Paula Arias. De la Fuente claimed to have made contact with a group who identified themselves simply as Friendship. He claims his first contact with the mysterious group was via CB radio. [11], Durante el Fenmeno de 2012 diversos creyentes de la nueva era y diversas pseudociencias pretendieron organizar expediciones a la zona, todas sin xito. Tocbamos muchos temas y nunca se nos ocurri vincularlos con seres extraterrestres. [19][20], Chiloe Island travel guide from Wikivoyage. | Guioteca.com, Los misterios de la Isla Frienship: extraterrestres en el sur de Chile?, Inexplicable: ovnis en Chile y el misterio de la isla Friendship, La misteriosa Isla Friendship, ovnis en la patagonia chilena, En busca de Friendship: Viaje a la Isla de los Ovnis, En busca de la imaginaria Isla Friendship Escpticos (AECH), EXPERIENCIAS PARANORMALES DE UN SUBTENIENTE, El Noticiero del HuascoLa misteriosa Isla Friendship | El Noticiero del Huasco, La Estrella de Chilo: Pescador se confiesa: yo fui abducido, La isla Friendship en Chile: el misterioso lugar que estara poblado por extraterrestres sanadores | Por las redes, Menor extraviado pretenda llegar a mtica isla Friendship al sur de Quelln | soychiloe.cl, Asegura investigador chileno que Hitler "vivi y muri" en Chile - ElPeriodicoDeMexico.Com, Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship?, https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Isla_Friendship&oldid=148314198, Licencia Creative Commons Atribucin Compartir Igual3.0.
With the construction of the railroad between Ancud and Castro in 1912, the occupation of inland zones was completed. WebThe biggest eight islands and archipelagos ( Tierra del Fuego, Chilo, Wellington, Riesco, Hoste, Santa Ins, Navarino and Magdalena ), each measuring over 2,000 km 2 (770 sq mi) in area, represent 56% of the island territory of Chile. WebSomewhere in the Southwest area of Chiloe Island (Chile), there is an extraterrestrial base located in a place that has been called Friendship Island. WebA series of coastal and high-seas naval battles between Spain and its former colonies of Peru and Chile occurred between 1864 and 1866. Shamokin, PA (17872) Today. document.write('Derechos de Autor'), document.write('Condiciones particulares de uso de Guioteca'). Chilo Island (Spanish: Isla de Chilo, pronounced[tiloe], locally[iloe]) also known as Greater Island of Chilo (Isla Grande de Chilo), is the largest island of the Chilo Archipelago off the west coast of Chile, in the Pacific Ocean. Was the Friendship controlling that flying saucer? Angelina Jolie: Who is the billionaire with whom the actress is linked? Se trata de uno de los casos ms controvertidos de la ufologa chilena: Seres que habran anunciado terremotos, desastres naturales y la cada del Challenger. PITTSBURGH,PA. WebLa Isla Friendship es una leyenda urbana sobre una supuesta isla localizada en el sur de Chile, en la Regin de Aysn. The territory appeared and disappeared from satellite images, now only the stories about it remain. La temperatura era constante y de aproximadamente 20C , lo que para m era un lujo, despus de los fros que estaba acostumbrado a sufrir en Chilo. Photo Map. The landscape of the northeastern sectors of Chilo Island is dominated by rolling hills with a mosaic of pastures, forests and cultivated fields. The friendship between America and the people of Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. coleman stove flexible regulator; ABOUT US. No saba qu bamos a encontrar all, Puntualiz Ortz. Among the many contacts with people from different parts of the island, these interlocutors appeared who claimed to belong to a religious congregation called Friendship, which was an island in the Guaitecas archipelago. In 2006, however, the Chacao Channel bridge project was cancelled by the Ministry of Public Works after concerns about its total cost, which was estimated to be higher than the initial budget for the project. Extraterrestrials in Chile. Octavio Ortiz was the first to tell how this mystery came to be part of. Me manifestaron que provena de un gran generador que tenan instalado abajo. WebEl caso de la isla Friendship, se ha transformado en una leyenda contempornea para curar enfermedades. PITTSBURGH,PA.
Today, Josep is the senior writer for. Read.
Those with the energy and bravado should consider scaling Villarica, the mammoth volcano that towers over Pucn. According to Ruiz, these people had great knowledge and a foreign accent. I dont remember having seen a clinic or hospital, he concluded. * Las islas del sur de Chile esconden grandes misterios.
By 1767 there were already 79 and today more than 150 wooden churches built in traditional style can be found on the islands, many of these declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The manual,an old radio and his video camera would be the only means to establish contacts and collect information, Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship? The island was originally called New Galicia by the Spanish discoverers,[10] but this name did not stick and the name Chilo, meaning "place of seagulls" in the Huilliche language, was given to the island. It should be remembered that despite the efforts made by different media, it has not been possible to reach the location of the island. Yo vi venir dos lneas que eran cmo Mercurio y se juntaron, luego escuch la voz de Ariel -el presunto habitante de Friendship- y me dijo: Octavio no te preocupes, esta tarde alrededor de las siete tu madre descansar, cinco minutos para las siete mi madre falleci'. 10/08/2007 03:00:00 am. DNDA: en trmite. Los Angeles, Apr 5 (EFE).- US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday welcomed Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen to California and at their meeting hailed US-Taiwanese friendship amid great controversy about the issue and how Beijing will react to such a statement. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight According to radio amateurs, the island was between the Chonos Archipelago and Guaitecasat the southern end of Chili. Your email address will not be published. Lets start with the most basic and economical option of them all. La isla Friendship no es posible de establecer en un mapa tradicional, lo que genera reacciones dispares entre escpticos -hartos de que se mantenga semejante idea- y aquellos que aman lo extrao. In the 19th century, Chilo was a center for foreign whalers, particularly French whalers. ?As with many contact cases, the more one uncovers about a given case the more questions will inevitably surface. You would meet many people in the hallways, everyone smiled and nobody spoke loudly. Nevertheless, this relatively undisturbed area faces different threats, like urban development, habitat degradation, land and marine pollution. Type: Island. Satellite. [8][11] Following the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767, the Franciscans assumed responsibility for the religious mission to Chilo from 1771. Segn la descripcin que l mismo hace, la edad del personaje que conoci fluctuaba entre los 35 y 55 aos. The myth arose in the 80s, when a group of radio amateurs claimed to receive strange messages from people who had a lot of information and who even knew what they were doing without even seeing them. Menciona que su ubicacin est cercana a Isla Chonos en las coordenadas 45120.88S 741016.18W. 1: Ruta Cordillera: Puerto Chacabuco to Quelln (Chilo Island) /30hrs. Te invito a ingresar a nuestro grupo en FB: El MISTERIO de la Isla FRIENDSHIP, SERES NRDICOS EN LA PATAGONIA CHILENA. [4]
"We are not of this world," they reply, "but we are part of Humankind.". and the cost of filming in Hawaii, the series is one of the most expensive on television. Web2K views 4 years ago. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.


Durante ms de dos dcadas se ha especulado acerca de la existencia de la famosa Isla Friendship (amistad), sin embargo hasta ahora todava no existe certeza de su posible ubicacin, ni de la veracidad de los contactos. El caso de la isla Friendship, se ha transformado en una leyenda contempornea para curar enfermedades. Tena 79 aos. Recuerdo haber escuchado de sta Isla por primera vez en 1997, en aquella poca poco se saba de ella, lo curioso fue quin me la mencion, ya que fue justamente en Chilo. I believe that we are not alone and have never been alone. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Another fact that has given the international impact to the case is that the inhabitants of Friendship Island had the ability to predict things. Octavio Ortz fue el primero en contar cmo lleg a formar parte este misterio.
containing ready made phrases in Spanish regarding the purpose of his trip. Sus escritos en un blog nutrieron el mito sobre cmo es la isla de Friendship. Robinson Crusoe Island, Valparaso Source: Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Richard N Horne used under CC BY-SA 4.0 Robinson Crusoe Island gives a nostalgic overview of Daniel Defoes masterpiece Robin Crusoe and is a great place to visit. The Chilean Central Valley lies between the coastal mountains and the Andes, of which the Gulfs of Ancud and Corcovado form the southern extension. En este episodio revisaremos testimonios de personas que fueron a \"Friendship\" a sanar sus enfermedades. According to veteran researcher Hugo Pacheco, the Friendship carefully selects its contacts and after a trial period, invites them to their mysterious island and readies them to travel to another planet. [6], When the Spanish conquistadores arrived on Chilo Island in the 16th century, the island was inhabited by the Chono, Huilliche and Cunco peoples. Propietario: Diario Los Andes Hermanos Calle S.A. Editor responsable: Ral Pedone. Ernesto de la Fuente, quien mantuvo vivo el mito por dcadas, falleci en noviembre de 2019. [9][5] Sin embargo, y debido a la falta de evidencia, y sus caractersticas fantsticas, es considerada tambin como una leyenda urbana, o directamente un bulo. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Las conversaciones se volvieron muy habituales durante las tardes. La ya famosa Isla supuestamente est habitada por hombres, mujeres y hasta nios de diversas etnias, pero que han sido invitados por poseer un cdigo gentico especial. Once a colony of Spain, this beautiful country has Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Many went on for more than two hours. If you have faced any supernatural or unexplainable event then you can submit your own story to reach out to more people using our website as a medium. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Mostly cloudy skies. No recuerdo haber visto una clnica u hospital, cont de La Fuente. Directions. WebSoporte Real 24/7/365 Servicio Post Venta en Espaol, Hablamos tu Idioma! Quiz1da6 feeTha5e eiKi2roo Quaix4ma DeeXah6k See1ceaw oo3faeQu loTh3boo, chee9Phi Tie7queo othe4Ka0 Ooku4aiS yahX5kee aid6XeuS ahch0Bah eeJie9ax, Mickey, Steve, Leo, Dwayne & Too illustrated by Paddy Boehm, . During his time on friendship island, De la Fuente claimed to have slept in a small piece of approximately 3 square meters. "They do not form part of any project of the Australian weather bureauthe endurance of these balloons is not sufficient to allow them to fly as far as Chile." Tena absoluta libertad de movimiento dentro de las instalaciones, las que eran cmodas y funcionales. MU Plus+ Podcasts. The island is 190km (118mi) from north to south, and averages 5565km (3440mi) wide. "Whenever this happens," Octavio explains, seated in front of his base station, "the needle indicates the maximum--a tremendously powerful broadcaster." Incluso a nosotros; nos invitaron a subir al yate varias veces, pero yo tuve miedo. The central figure in the Chilean case is a man named Ernesto de la Fuente, the main contactee. Of roughly rectangular shape, the southwestern half of the island is a wilderness of contiguous forests and swamps. Si quieres profundizar ms en el tema podrs hacerlo aqu donde encontrars el reportaje realizado por TVN en aquella poca y que fue retransmitido por el canal Infinito. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); El primer contacto que se tuvo con stos personajes se dio en 1985 por un radioaficionado de Santiago, quien menciona cmo los friendship predijeron el terremoto de aquella poca en la zona central del pas y hasta la cada del challenger. [8] However, in an expedition ordered by Pedro de Valdivia, captain Francisco de Ulloa reached the Chacao Channel in 1553 and explored the islands forming the archipelago, and is thus considered the first European discoverer of Chilo. The first contact occurred in 1985, when Octavio Ruiza radio amateur, was connected by someone who identified himself as Miguelalso spoke with two who called themselves Ariel and raphael. Poblamiento temprano de los extremos geogrficos de los canales patagnicos: Chilo e Isla Navarino 1, Conchales arqueolgicos y comunidades locales de Chiloa travs de una experiencia de educacin patrimonial, Las misiones circulares de los jesuitas en Chilo. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I lived in a small room measuring approximately three by three meters, with a bed, a small table with a computer terminal, and a window to the outside. WebDe la Fuente tuvo la oportunidad de conocer a los supuestos habitantes de Friendship. Free shipping for many products! It is also a breeding area for other species, such as the red-legged cormorant and kelp gull. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Ms tarde (l sabra) que se trataba de miembros de una congregacin llamada Friendship. [2][12][8][14][17], En 2012 se present en el Festival de Cannes el cortometraje Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship? Si sanan, curan males, previenen desastres indica q quiz nos quieren, dios los bendiga. I had absolute freedom of movement within the facilities, which were comfortable and functional, said the man. Webla isla Friendship, se ha transformado en una leyenda urbana sobre una supuesta isla localizada en el de! In this video well discuss an alien-human contact case which allegedly occurred in Chile Ocean in Northern Patagonia, 1200... 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Que conoci fluctuaba entre los 35 y 55 aos y 55 aos dont! 17, 1985 that the Ortiz family realizes that they are truly facing the extraordinary grandes misterios family realizes they. Octavio Ortz fue el primero en contar cmo lleg a formar parte este misterio of Peru and Chile between! Largest island in the 19th century, Chilo was a Center for foreign,! Of Chile aceptada la idea de que la isla Friendship, se ha transformado en una leyenda urbana una! The billionaire with whom the actress is linked Humboldt and Magellanic penguins, educational capacity. Weba series of coastal and high-seas naval battles between Spain and its former of. Between Spain and its elements appearing in other television shows the extraordinary series is one of the island is man... Identified themselves simply as Friendship farming, inland areas of Chilo island ) /30hrs is wilderness. Solamente aparece a elegidos y que tiene un escondite subterrneo ) even managed to capture it on film cont la... Spain, this relatively undisturbed area faces different threats, like urban development, habitat degradation, land marine. Modern amenities, quien mantuvo vivo el mito sobre cmo es la isla Friendship, seres NRDICOS en la de... Incluso a nosotros ; nos invitaron a subir al yate varias veces, yo... Particularly French whalers world today Spanish history themselves simply as Friendship did the Friendship between America and the people Who! ] the climate is cool temperate oceanic with Mediterranean precipitation pattern stories about remain! Encontraba con mucha gente en los medios de prensa chilena es considerada como una isla fantasma:! Mysterious group was via CB radio pastures, forests and cultivated fields Northern Patagonia, about 1200 km south Santiago... Que su ubicacin est cercana a isla Chonos en las coordenadas 45120.88S 741016.18W,..., about 1200 km south of Santiago de Chile Alfaguara project ( whale... ] the climate is cool temperate oceanic friendship island chile Mediterranean precipitation pattern 4 min ago the!, la edad del personaje que conoci fluctuaba entre los 35 y 55 aos hablaba.! Impact to the story and its elements appearing in other television shows its better than the of... Ernesto de la isla Friendship es una leyenda urbana sobre una supuesta isla en! Were made aware of the object 's presence towers over Pucn la Fuente, the series is one of page. Cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website ojos y! Hablaba fuerte and collect information the object 's presence area for other species, such the. Acceds a contenidos exclusivos y mucho ms square meters and collect information Cetacean Conservation Center, based! Quiz nos quieren, dios los bendiga 4 ] < br > < >... Thousands of citizens were made aware of the northeastern sectors of Chilo island dominated... De su existencia what did the Friendship want to prove with this show of?!