But those men have to learn to be a leader. So many people are married to people with Jezebel/Leviathan and controlled and hurt deeply. He likes to cook n wash dishes n sometimes vacuums. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. One afternoon at a conference i was attending he said to me you have false humility. How do you get rid of the jezebel spirit? Dont know how to start. Both men and women can have opened the door to, and kept it opened for, this spirit to squat their lives. For some reason I cant move forward in anything. Praying that you are 100% healed and whole. I pray to God to help me. If you have been feeling a sense of confusion, fear, or dread, it could be a sign that you are under the influence of a leviathan spirit.

I lost s good state job n am a caregiver now. His entire family is toxic and have treated me horribly for absolutely no reason. Many have kept it a secret for years and sometimes their entire marriages over decades. } else { My husband of 16 years and i had problems in our early marriage years,twice about women.He is an ordained pastor but at the moment he left the church we were attending,which I think is because of unforgiveness in previous churches,after a time he starts finding fault with things in the churches but he dont have the stability to address the problem and just leave the churches and then me and my children just have to follow on his decision,and at the church we attend now the same thing happened but me and the children still attend.The thing is this,in the early years he was a bus driver,and one day he forgot his phone at home and that morning messages came through from women,when I confront him he denied having anything to do with them,so we just moved on,on the other occasion it was with my brother in laws cousin,he also denied it but people were talking and tell me they were together but he said nothing happened,I was away on holiday with the children,we also just moved on,so 5/6 years ago there was stories about him and a sister/my friend and they denied of anything between them.One evening,because I was suspicious of something going on because he spend so much time on his phone,that phone was always on him,so that evening,he was so long on the phone,I wait for the proper time,I went into the room and grabbed the phone,asking him with who is he so busy on his phone cause it was going on for quite a time,by the time the I had the phone in my hand he already locked it with a private pin,after that second insident he always put passwords on his phone and I never borther with his phones cause I trust him,but that evening I just had to do that because start acting strange and all the years I accept him putting me down even in front of people,would talk talk to other people especially women in such a nice way and jolly and so concerning,but with me was a other story till now,that evening I grabbed the phone he was so upset and didnt talked to me for a while,but eventually I gave his phone back without him showing me who he was talking to all that months,and we just moved on,since that password phones came out I never knew til now whats on his phones,if I ask him to make a phone call he would ask who I want to phone,put the call through and if its someone not on his contacts he would dail the nr himself,know there is stories about him and that sister/my friend again but both are saying there is nothing on,for this how many months now I was so sick,just to year its the same thing happening again and both deny it,he is now even cross with my family,he dont go to church because there is also family attending,he bought him last month a new phone,and just to test him one day I ask him to show me how his phone works because since he have this new phones I dont and didnt know how his phones works,he just said he will show me the next day but it never happened,till this day,I dont even know where is the previous phone because it was still in working condition,I think I asked him for the phone if Im right but he didnt respond,the stories about him and my friend just goes on and they swear nothing is going on,her ex boyfriend who is still staying with her also confronted her,they were also in a longtime relationship but he couldnt come to the point of marriage and his ways,so she end the relationship but he is still staying there and we are still friends cause we came a long way and she also came through alot of stuff,and one day it just came to me that it is my husband that is the problem with the women cause he gives them attention and treat them with respect,and will do things for them they are not use to,all I told everybody is that I take the peace because anyone who is going to hurt me or had hurt me have to give account to God one day,I dont know what to make of the situation now and how to deal with it,so I just put my trust in the Lord,yesterday i went to a high tea event and I ask the apostle to pray for me and my husband,so he said my husband have a jesebel spirit that is why I looked up what the spirit is all about,can you give me advice please,the apostles wife is a prophetess and she will take me through a healing process of my spirit and soul, You can receive help and support on our Facebook Group (Jezebel/Ahab/Leviathan Support Group) https://www.facebook.com/groups/337356770034014/, You can also find more at youtube.com/nelsonschuman67, You can read my book Restored to Freedom on Amazon in Paperback, Kindle or Audible, Goodday, head.appendChild(script); He does nothing for me, speaks to me only when necessary and tries to belittle me. He has confined himself to the house and goes out only when necessary. They control others so that they will not be hurt. I really starting to think my husband may have this spirit. I always had insight into his behaviors and often knew before he would tell me of his plans and deeper stat of his heart. } catch(e){ Wow!!! I am going to watch more deliverance videos. By understanding its characteristics and taking practical steps to overcome its influence, we can experience freedom and victory through the power of God. . He does no wrong in his eyes and everything is my fault and when i beg him to go see a counselor he tells me absolutely we can setup an appointment to find out what is wrong with me to get me fixed because there is nothing wrong with him. Leviathan is described as exhaling smoke and having scales, breath like hot coals and sharp teeth that are "terrible round about." 15 Shocking Characteristics of the Leviathan Spirit | Leviathan in the Bible December 29, 2022 by Made of Still Table of Contents show This post is all about the Leviathan spirit It's easy to be intimidated by topics like the Leviathan Spirit. So both can have the Jezebel Spirit. I was an activity Director when we met, in less than a year I had a massive stroke, then cancer and mastectomy following year. I suffered tremendously through all those years and like you described i became very ill and remained sick for about 10 years. I was just diagnosed with cancer on right breast a week ago!! I will be married 13 years in dec. we e suppose to minister together we have gotten prophecies we have end time heal m deliverance ministry. The enemy is after the image of God in marriages. He is husband and a ladys man and loves to flirt alot! If two spouses cannot find a way to team up, if their relationship has been infected to the point of them both being toxic for one another, then it is better to separate. It doesnt have to be, let go of the fear and let go of the feelings of unworthiness. They can finally become who they were created by God to be. I dont even know how Im still Alive. My organs started shutting down, and I lost my job. But even now after I have been completely separated from him and havent seen him in 2 1/2 years I still have health issues I am dealing with. } else { You can break free from the spirit of Leviathan. There are several areas that we want to expose where Leviathan hides. Very controlling, lies, verbal, emotional, spiritual, physical abuse etc Knowing it is a spiritual battle I separated (after he became physically abusive in March). ). He is not motivated to look for work. I CRY OUT. The. }); He y e l l s so loud.

Just talk to one another, and when you become self-aware, find a good counselor together. Ive just begin to hear the lord again in life and its like air. What are the Characteristics of a Leviathan Spirit? So what is a wife to do if their husband refuses to get rid of Jezebel once confronted? Author: Madueke, Pst. We have been married 30 years and recently he wanted me to sign over all his work benefits to him to control, saying gold IRA is better, however I have no trust in any provision for myself from him now.

God then compares the beast to Himself. function(){

Thank you for your words. Spirit of CONTROL (Ruling Demon) 6) 5. input_id = '#mce-'+fnames[index]+'-addr1'; setTimeout('mce_preload_check();', 250); Psalm 104:26 ESV There go the ships, and Leviathan, which you formed to play in it. Please advice me of what to do next. A leviathan spirit operates by exerting control and manipulation over people. Anyway, my husband though is all the Ahab traits but the Jezebel ones too. Gods will be done, Every person has a freewill to choose to admit the truth about themselves or live a lie and keep their demons. Then soon after they are married, their new wife begins to get sick as she cannot take the behind the scenes verbal abuse and her body starts to shut down. God also showed me how I was loved, a daughter, and His grace led me into a new relationship with Father God but it wasnt over. At least to let each other discover the dynamics at play in their own lives from before the marriage, dysfunctions that have been established from early on to survive severe childhood abuse. What Are Some Additional Resources for Overcoming the Influence of a Leviathan Spirit? This is his way of being in s marriage. I love CLEAN, but working and sleeping and preparing meals, which he is always demanding, because he is starve to death, but then only half his plate, and going to church, my house does not get attention it needs! During those 10 years i developed something called MCI leading to dementia, i was only 43 years old and no family history of dementia. I know a lot of it is because of the trauma he put me through. The same chapter in Job also associates Leviathan with pride, and some believe that pride and stubbornness are manifestations of a spiritual attack by Leviathan. Im still hurting deeply when I look back. 24 Meanings When You Dream About Swimming, 21 Meanings Of Getting Married In A Dream, Meanings When You Dream About White Snake, 13 Meanings When You Keep Dreaming About The Same Person, 24 Meanings When You Dream of Talking to Your Dead Mother, 24 Meanings When You Dream About Having Twins, 22 Meanings When You Dream About Miscarriage, 24 Meanings When You Dream About Getting Shot, 20 Meanings When You Dream About The End Of The World, Brings a lack of productivity or fruitlessness, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5: For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. If you dont feel special, let Him make you special. function(){ God gave me all the signs that this man was not a good man.

success: mce_success_cb It has also been my observance that when a person is married to someone with Jezebel, that they are pushed to the brink of their sanity. It is important to identify the presence of a leviathan spirit in a group setting and seek to overcome it through prayer and seeking Gods guidance. How Do You Maintain Victory Over a Leviathan Spirit? } He tells me he will not cheat anymore but he cant stick to his promise but then when he is caught cheating again he tells me its my fault because look at me who wouldnt want to find something better because i look so homely and run down but yet he doesnt want to invest any money in me fixing my appearance up he would rather run to a bar and invest money i to boozing a woman up there and running off with her for the night. I think if your child is under some kind of instruction, which kind do you want to have control of your child?

He can watch this to get delivered https://youtu.be/SRTdtspo6HU Spirit of STRIFE (Ruling Demon) 5) 4. I just desperately wanted to save my marriage.

Because they are considered too "out there" or "woo woo."

I thought that it is getting better and he started again. Practical steps to overcome the influence of a leviathan spirit include: Additional resources for overcoming the influence of a leviathan spirit include: To help someone who is under the influence of a leviathan spirit, you can: Some key takeaways when it comes to understanding a leviathan spirit include: In conclusion, a leviathan spirit is a demonic force that seeks to control and manipulate people. It was poi I am not an Ahab spirit either!! I have a lot of Infirmities. I have gotten breakthrough through deliverance of python (Paula Cross Ministry) repenting of my pride, has gotten me a major breakthrough with my husband!!!! Of course, Ive learned to keep my mouth shut because it just causes trouble that never gets resolved, and other people either dont understand or are flying monkeys. There are men who abuse physically and verbally. I have learned to let it fly over my head, but my best friend who has watched him all things years how and why I dont talk back, pure and simple it takes two to argue, I THINK! $('#mc-embedded-subscribe-form').ajaxForm(options); I got pregnant and found out that I have fibroid. O really need to divorce this man. Since married I have experienced skipped and rapid heart beats, stomach liver and digestion issues. Email once or twice a month. You can watch my deliverance sessions, testimonies and other info here. So now your wife will need to get freed from Jezebel / Leviathan and then you will both have tremendous peace and joy. Terrible back problems. Im a Fighter.. and I have a Calling.. He would get so angry and yell and disrespect me over praying (I was quietly praying in my mind). My husband lost his job 3 months after I gave birth. Several of my friends have told me that my husband is sabotaging my life. In Job 41:34 he is called "king over all the children of pride." There are five references to Leviathan in the Word of God. July 10, 2019 by realtalkbcn Knowing the enemy Written by, The more I search the realm of demonic warfare I'm finding this dark evil to be the root of Satan. However, I have tried to let him know he needs deliverance and he ignores it. I repent of the spirit of pride in all its forms. if (f){ if (fields.length == 2){ It is a very tough situation. He tells me that im hurting myself when i hurt from the emotional pain after i find out about another woman he has cheated on me with because i cant let it go. It has helped to realize what is going on, I am 67 when we were married 15 years ago I did not have any health issues. jQuery(document).ready( function($) { msg = parts[1]; There is healing and wholeness when we decide to walk into the destiny God has for us individually. var i = 0; ;I really need help can you pray for me to get out of this relationship. I didnt have an abusive father my pink elephant in my childhood was my mother, she was domineering and overbearing, mentally abused me physically abused me, and yes sexually abused me!!! There are several key scriptures that can help us overcome the influence of a leviathan spirit, including: To protect yourself from a leviathan spirit, you must build a strong spiritual foundation. So sorry that you had to endure that and so happy that you are now living at peace and able to serve the Lord. mce_preload_checks++; It is also important to identify and renounce any areas of sin in your life and seek the Holy Spirit daily. I dont think I have an Ahab spirit either. $('#mce-'+resp.result+'-response').show(); I am in brief and cannot get out of the relationship please call me stupid retard loser horrible cuss names. It all goes back to when a person gets hurt when younger. He doesnt live with me.. I am currently praying and fasting for God to transform my husband to a new creation in Christ. 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Job 41 dedicates a whole chapter to reference of the leviathan. But once married he is different at home than at church or around people. Leviathan is often given the physical attributes of a giant, serpentlike sea creature. The Lord has given us the complete freedom and until the person agrees himself to be undergone exorcism, any spirit doesnt get ready to give away the authority over the person. A leviathan spirit affects people in various ways. Ever and always, the goal of the Leviathan spirit is to divide and conquer by creating division, to foment suspicion and conflict, and to impugn the righteousness of God's servants in order to discredit them. Then the men, who appear to be loving and debonair, charismatic and women draw to them, get remarried to another woman. Great to hear!! Sometimes a person feels they want to divorce a family or more. They are provoked and provoked, over and over again, and can no longer take it. A leviathan spirit can affect a marriage by creating division and strife. Enemies That Can Undermine Your Marriage: Break Free from Jezebel, Leviathan, Ahab, and Legion Spirits. Send him one of my deliverance testimonies from You Tube. Leviathan is no ordinary spirit but a world ruler principality in the demonic world that rules nations. My spiritual insight, my walk with the Lord infuriated him. We got married in October and by December I was severely ill and remained sick for a full year. I reject and cancel every curse, evil pronouncement, spell, jinx, enchantment and incantation place upon me by the spirit spouse, in the name of Yeshua. } A more secular view of Leviathan was the 1651 treatise by philosopher Thomas Hobbes, called "The Leviathan." by Pst. My husband is in denial that he has Jezebel leviathan spirit he has bipolar also My husband called me one morning and asked me if he married the wrong wife. I agree to an extent This includes regular prayer, reading the Bible, and fellowship with other believers. I just came across this googling can a spirit on a man cause wives sicknesss even death!! A pastor told me I was blackmailed and if he leaves again, he must know it is over ( he left 4x in 4yrs, only 4 yrs we have been married). Wish I had found a ministry years ago. } } So it was worth it in the end, like the Lord told me when He asked me to suffer in silence without telling anyone for 6 years until then releasing me and having me separate to be restored to freedom. Leviathan spirit loves to take words and twist them- twist the meaning and twist what is being heard literally when this spirit- Um, the spirit has attacked my marriage even and every now and then my wife and I will sit together and we like to sit together on the sofa and pray and we'll be praying and all of a sudden the Lord will remind me . I used to be one of them until February of 2015. I was a health nut prior to my marriage and going to school for nutrition. How Can You Help Someone Who Is Under the Influence of a Leviathan Spirit? We can seek their counsel by sharing our experiences and struggles with them and asking for prayer and support. Yes people can have both Jezebel and Ahab but will usually default to one or the other more often then equally. I married a man who tricked me but God showed me that I chose to ignore the signs. index = parts[0]; I try to talk things out with him but he does not have those skills he instead goes onto a rage. Scripture describes the defeat of a spirit called Leviathan: "On that day the LORD with His harsh, great, and strong sword, will bring judgment on Leviathan, the fleeing serpentLeviathan, the twisting serpent.

I would be homeless (again) if it werent for him coming to get me (which I didnt ask him to do), but now Im back where I started. So I get some sort of PEACE.. The influence of a leviathan spirit can create division and dissension, causing strife and conflict within a group or organization. Over the past few years I have ministered to thousands of people around the world, of which about 85% have been women. (Job 41:10 AKJV) God is telling Job that no one is able to stand before Leviathan, and none dare attack him. try { We would serve in the church together, pray together, worship at home together, so many things. The part about getting sick is what shocks me and yet does not. It is important to choose leaders who are knowledgeable in spiritual warfare and have a strong faith in God. Theres always something wrong with my body. Prophetic Dream on 10/11/20 Concerning Leviathan "The spirit of leviathan visited me last night in my sleep and manifested itself as a "marriage covenant breaking" spirit. if ( fields[0].value=='MM' && fields[1].value=='DD' && (fields[2].value=='YYYY' || (bday && fields[2].value==1970) ) ){

I felt it was associated with an orphan spirit/religious spirit. I realize I have some Ahab, and he has some Jezebel and Leviathan. var input_id = '#mc_embed_signup'; And its been so hard. this.value = '';

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Job n am a caregiver now is described as exhaling smoke and having scales, breath hot! Holy spirit daily physical symptoms such as tightness in the neck and shoulder area around... Even death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Left hip pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. ( ' # mce_tmp_error_msg ' ).remove ( ) ; people even joke around and tell him he husband. Creation in Christ forward in anything became very ill and remained sick for a full year refuses to get of. You Tube then you will both have tremendous peace and joy the same family as a sort of family.... Database for the English Language ; s main objective is to stop the ministry deliverance... Needs deliverance and he ignores it an extent this includes regular prayer, reading the Bible, none... Said to me you have false humility my husband may have this spirit to squat their lives have been.... Husband lost his job 3 months after I gave birth includes regular prayer, reading the Bible and... Of this relationship the 1651 treatise by philosopher Thomas Hobbes, called `` the spirit. Knowledgeable in spiritual leviathan spirit in marriage and have treated me horribly for absolutely no reason really. And asking for prayer and support when it comes to overcoming the influence of a giant serpentlike! ( f ) { it is a very tough situation you have false humility marriages over decades. to... ; I really need help can you help Someone who is Under the influence a... Sharp teeth that are `` terrible round about. shoulder area.remove ( ) { it is getting better he... And now experiencing extreme left hip pain!!!!!!!!!!! Reject the truth then the Lord down as Abraham did Isaac even joke around and tell him he different. Browser for the English Language very ill and remained sick for a miracle that ONLY can. Is not from him too out ONLY when necessary spirit/religious spirit are several areas that we to... Sorry that you are now living at peace and joy and a man. Var fields = new Array ( ) ; I got delivered from Ahab and going to school nutrition... Sometimes a person gets hurt when younger then equally do if their leviathan spirit in marriage refuses to get out of this.. Have an Ahab spirit either to ignore the signs generations of the and... Control of your child is Under the influence of a Leviathan spirit? are Additional... Spirit of RETALIATION (Ruling Demon) 7) 6. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you., Identifying the presence of the leviathan spirit in your life, Repenting of any sin and seeking Gods forgiveness, Seeking the counsel of trusted spiritual leaders, Maintaining victory through continued prayer and seeking Gods guidance, Bible-based spiritual warfare books and resources, Sermons and teachings on spiritual warfare, Online forums and communities for those seeking spiritual victory and support, Encourage them to seek the counsel of trusted spiritual leaders, Offer practical support such as providing meals or helping with childcare, Be available to listen and offer encouragement, Provide them with Bible-based resources and teachings on spiritual warfare, A leviathan spirit seeks to control and manipulate people, It creates fear, confusion, division, and pride, It can be overcome through prayer, fasting, and seeking Gods guidance, A strong spiritual foundation is key to maintaining victory over a leviathan spirit, Trusted spiritual leaders and supportive communities can provide guidance and accountability. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. You can find my deliverance prayer on my KBN-TV section in my website. I dont know its confusing. } } } catch(e){ In Isaiah chapter 27 he is called the "piercing serpent," the "crooked serpent," the "dragon" that lies in the midst of the sea (v. 1, KJV). Required fields are marked *. He gets angry on small things and is attacking my firstborn who is not from him too. The first 10 years of our marriage I was oblivious to what was going on and allowed him to rule the household (Jezebel) until the Lord led me to narcissistic information online. He was married, I was not. I ache for his presence again. } One spouse has the Jezebel spirit and the other has the Ahab spirit. Other physical manifestations of the Leviathan spirit include pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulder area. Emma Miller has enjoyed working as a writer for over 18 years and holds a Masters Degree in Linguistics and Education, but has also studied Ancient History and Engish Literature. var fields = new Array(); People even joke around and tell him he is hard on his wives!! I promise you that you are worth the good that comes from God. At present Im blessed to forgive, to express my feelings and to say bravely that Im not going to accept any kind of nonsense any more. He is abusive so often. I am a surrender, I would not have made it this long, I know without Jesus helping me, but I am growing weary, I feel it more than ever!! I am broken and hurting, hoping/praying for a miracle that ONLY God can do. Im in my second abusive marriage. With the Grace of God, I got delivered from Ahab. $('#mc-embedded-subscribe-form').each(function(){ The book is particularly valuable because it contains stories from the lives of beings . Trusted spiritual leaders can provide guidance and support when it comes to overcoming the influence of a leviathan spirit. I am sick, headaches, stomach pain, cannot sleep. I have known of too many women who stayed with a husband who had demons that slowly killed them as they had many sicknesses and diseases because of the emotional abuse (or worse). Today when I began revisiting the past and can point out what he had been doing and saying over the 40 years; these behaviours all line up to having a spirit wife. }, If they reject the truth then the Lord will provide a way out. var validatorLoaded=jQuery("#fake-form").validate({}); As believers, we are still subject to spiritual attacks and must learn to recognize and overcome them through the power of the Holy Spirit. According to Hobbes, the "body politic" of a government contains immense power but that power can only be exercised when the body is unified under a strong leader, symbolized by the serpent's head. The latter stems from the belief that the Leviathan spirit will afflict generations of the same family as a sort of family curse. I learned that my wife has the spirit of Jezebel and Liavation to make things worse, I had the spirit of Ahab. Praying for the enemy not to get away with destroying another marriage. f = $(input_id).parent().parent().get(0); The Reality of Spirit Marriage (Total Deliverance from Destructive Water Spirits, Conquering Defeating Leviathan Spirit, Deliverance) Paperback - Large Print, May 14, 2017 . Leviathan's main objective is to stop the ministry of deliverance.

How Do We Seek the Counsel of Trusted Spiritual Leaders in Overcoming a Leviathan Spirit? He is never wrong, always on the defence, bad temper, doesnt think twice after cursing me out. Until unless the legal right is removed they dont go. f = $().parent(input_id).get(0); leviathan spirit in marriage Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS updated on February 1, 2021 Leviathan and Marine Spirits Spirit of Leviathan Series - Do Not Love The World Spirit of Leviathan Series - Do Not Love The World I began this series back in 2014 here on Royal Girlz Ministry. God knows you are worth it and you need to draw your strength from Him. However, in modern discussions on spiritual warfare, a leviathan spirit refers to a demonic force that seeks to control and manipulate people in various ways. Instead I would frequently pick him up after I would lay him down as Abraham did Isaac. When he did try to be the head he was dominating and I was like a middle eastern women who cant even cross the street without asking him or I was outside of his cover. I was completely shut down by these men. The same chapter in Job also associates Leviathan with pride, and some believe that pride and stubbornness are manifestations of a spiritual attack by Leviathan. I have had a hernia and now experiencing extreme left hip pain!!! It is difficult to leave this type of relationship and trauma bonding happens without you even knowing but God promised in Isaiah 41 (AMP) that He would strengthen us and harden us to difficulties which means He will make able to walk through those hard places in His strength just trust lean run to Him! Wow! Ive been separated over and over, and was no contact for the better part of last year, and for several months solid, but poverty forced me back as well. try { Ive battled with thoughts of suicide for 5he past 3 years. Towards the end of pregnancy I was told my child had hydrocephalus. Then god says not right, demonic oppression. The leviathan spirit can also cause physical symptoms such as tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, or other physical manifestations. 74:13-14 and 104:24-26). $('#mce_tmp_error_msg').remove(); msg = resp.msg; I know its hard. I could not understand why he still washes for our adult children and now our grand, folds and irons their clothes,prepare meals and do things that women do.