The text included relevant descriptions of current software commonly used in research. There is no indication that any of the content will suffer from claims that it is obsolete or irrelevant. Chapters are concise, allowing the combination of multiple chapters for a weeks reading if needed. The book is comprehensive in its treatment of the central components of research design and the different methodological strategies that researchers can leverage to investigate various research questions. In all, I still think that this is a great free alternative to many textbooks out there, but if your teaching style depends on your text including a lot of explanation and examples (or even applications), then this is likely not the text for you. Content was not culturally insensitive or offensive. WebEducational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.) Methods of data collection, representation, and analysis. This text spends more time with statistics than I include in a research course, but again, that can be omitted or just used for reference. It covers a broad range of topics, research theories, research process, research design, data collection methods, qualitative and quantitative research, statistical analysis, and research ethics. However, it is much more brief, more concise, than traditional research methods texts for undergraduates which the text does not claim to be. I did not detect any errors or any purposeful bias in this textbook! Most doctoral seminars include a fair complement of readings drawn from the respective discipline. CC BY-NC-SA, Reviewed by Sanaa Riaz, Associate Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 3/27/23, While not meant for advanced graduate and doctoral students, this text is an excellent introductory resource for learning about paradigms in research methods and data analysis and prepares the learner to begin writing a successful research project This textbook is written in a concise and easy to read and understand manner - it is very user-friendly. To take another example, the author presents the formulae for the variance and standard deviation on p. 122 with the customary n-1 in the denominator. This text offers a comprehensive overview of social science research methods appropriate for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Usually a big sample of data is collected this would require verification, validation and recording before the analysis can take place. the discussion of sampling in Chapter 8) without needing to provide all of the chapters. The text presents the research process in a logical and understandable way using scaffolding. As a fellow social scientist from a high growth area (communication studies), I would appreciate even more breadth! Research methods and statistics content are unlikely to change rapidly, although with the increasing use of ecological momentary assessments, daily diaries, and internet sampling techniques, it might be useful down the road to include more detail about those techniques.
This is a sensible and logical structure for the book, and nothing seems out of place. Similar to modularity, consistency is a strength. An overview of theory, designs, sampling, data collection, data analysis, and ethics are provided. Examples were broad and not specific to an individual race or culture. But while Dr. Bhattacherjee's introduction says that the book is bare-boned by design -- "I decided to focus only on essential concepts, and not fill pages with clutter that can divert the students' attention to less relevant or tangential issues" -- some topics deserve more attention. Accessibility is a big issue right now. It lays a sufficient foundation, with room and expectation for the professor to supplement with additional materials. Again, the book is an accessible and smooth read; it will pose no challenges to an informed reader, and there will be nothing in the organization of the book that will be distracting or irritating. Learning about methods is important, but not much is gained from that knowledge unless the student also learns how to execute at least some techniques. For example, Chapter 7 addresses scale reliability and validity. Based on my review of the book, the content is accurate, error-free and unbiased. Save Share. The book is meticulously researched and I did not note any egregious statements or inaccuracies. In particular, types of correlational designs and mixed-methods designs would be Simple additions on slides or class room commentary can easily take care of the various omissions that pepper the text. Important terminologies are bolded and these are good signposts for key concepts. I'm delighted to have found this book. Reviewed by Brendan Watson, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota on 7/15/14. One needed update noticed is on page 120, where the authors cautioned that only smaller datasets can be stored in Excel and larger datasets needs a more elaborate database system. The text uses a consistent framework throughout. Interview types and strategies are discussed in detail in Chapter 9. Professors will need to make sure that their slides include discussion of the degrees of freedom idea and perhaps some discussion on unbiasedness as well. we must understand that sometimes, these constructs are not real . I found no errors in fact in the textbook. Overall, this textbooks seems to be accurate. additional types of designs, as well as how trustworthiness and rigor are addressed [for example, what specific steps can be taken by researchers to address dependability, credibility, confirmability and transferability]). The text is in PDF format. This text is a nice overview of some of the key points in social science research. This Specialization covers research methods, design and statistical analysis for social science research questions. The text does not contain any culturally insensitive information as there are hardly any research project examples incorporated. The text is neither culturally insensitive nor offensive. I do like that this text is divided into 16 chapters which is perfect for a 15/16 week semester. More examples and case studies, for example, could improve the text's thoroughness. The book is overall accurate and unbiased. Another thing that this book is missing are instructional resources that commercial publishers provide, but ultimately by using this text I can contribute to creating greater value for my students. Some of the more technical vocabulary will require editing and explanation, but this seems manageable for me as an adapter. Show answer Answer I also think Chapter 6 - Measurement of Construction should not come before Chapter 7 - Scale Reliability and Validity since measurement of constructs and scale reliability and validity are related to qualitative research. Bolded words/phrases throughout the text provide some structure to guide reading. Introductory topics relating to research methods are provided early and are built upon in subsequent chapters. I did notice a discrepancy in Figure 5.1, where single case study is plotted on the graph as high in external validity, but the rest of the text frequently brought up case studies (especially single case studies) having the difficulty with generalizability which should have low external validity. Text appears in large blocks, is illustrated sparsely, and has no callout texts or pull quotes. On the whole though, I would consider this as the core text for my next introductory research course. The text offers an introductory overview to scientific research for PhD and graduate students in social sciences. This text introduces social science doctoral students to the research process. This text is definitely relevant to public affairs/public administration. There is a lack of comprehensiveness in the presentation of qualitative research as qualitative research rigor is not addressed. Many of the examples should be updated. ), as well as data analysis. It is used to test or confirm theories and This text seems to follow the path of other texts that outline research design and methods, such as the Creswell book that I have used for several semesters.
The inclusion of some cases or examples showcasing how social science research methods can be applied to current events or topics would help illustrate the relevance of this book (and social science research). Reviewed by Allison White, Assistant Professor, Colorado State University on 1/7/16, This text covers a wide array of topics relevant to social science research, including some that are not traditionally included but are welcome additions, such as a chapter dedicated to research ethics. A few typos, but otherwise well-written and very clear. The table of content is clear and the chapters are organized in a logic order. specifically, this text can easily be adapted to the needs of basic research methods courses in allied disciplines. The only exception to this are the links found in the sample syllabus at the end of the book. On page 77, the author indicates that a survey should begin with non-threatening questions such as demographic information. Instructors using the text for other domains, such as education research, will be interested in elaborating on concepts using examples specific to the needs of their students. An appropriate place and reference might be within the first chapter, under the heading Types of Scientific Research, to give a nod to some of the social science fields and the importance of interdisciplinary questions across disciplinary lines. There are many social science examples that could be used. It gives a good overview of the theories and methods, which change little over time. While discussions are brief and concise, the text addresses the main issues and processes providing an overview and general understanding of the research process for social science fields. These are higher order concepts which would be useful to graduate studentschapters 1-3 could not only work for graduate students, but also for upper division undergraduates. When students are learning a new language - research methods - they may be confused when definitions vary. One issue I had with the order of the chapters in the text was including Ethics at the end in the Epilogue as if it was an after thought. read more. Interviews, focus groups, and ethnographies are qualitative methods. Case study is a research method that involves an in-depth, detailed examination of a single unit, such as an individual, family, group, organization, community, or event. The topics build productively throughout the textbook, beginning with the basic concepts of research design and culminating with different strategies to approach research. It may be helpful in future editions to add additional content relating to qualitative research (i.e. I really like the way the book is laid out. The text seems comprehensive, covers a wide range of research approaches, and parts of the research process. Surveys Transactional In my opinion, Chapter 16 Research Ethics should not be standalone (under the Epilogue) and it could be part of the Introduction to Research (i.e., the first few chapters). It should be noted that there is more of a focus on quantitative research. Any instructor should be able to provide current, real-world examples to compare and contrast to those in the text. This might include 2. Many people have asked why I'm giving away something for free when I can make money selling it?
This book touches on many important topics related to the scientific research process that is typically found in several different text. I would like to see a more practical discussion of ANOVA, as it is a very commonly used statistical analysis tool. The research process and research methods stay fairly consistent with little variation; thus, the text would not need regular updating. . (p. 44). For example, some topics for which the book provides helpful structure include i) Thinking Like a Researcher, ii) The Research Process, iii) Research Design, iv) and Sampling. As a matter of fact, pointing out historical issues in research ethics using some sensitive vignettes actually heightens the importance of research in everyday life. For my field, it wouldn't be sufficient to use as a stand-alone text. Some of the chapters have summaries or conclusions, while other chapters seem to end abruptly. The organization is clear and logical. I'm looking forward to adopting it for courses and using it for my own reflections on research! There are a few here and there, but they are not distracting for the reader. The text provides a basic introduction to research methods in the social sciences. This is a comprehensive overview of research design and research methods in the social sciences. Reviewed by Kevin Deitle, Adjunct Associate Professor, TRAILS on 10/6/19, I am pleased with the coverage in the text; it includes the history and foundations of research, as well as chapters on ethics and a sample syllabus. I found no cultural insensitivity in the text. Most of the text flows in a logical, clear fashion. For our readers in fields with lower quantitative literacy, some of the terminology in chapters is better suited for students with basic statistical experience, some research methods or theory coursework completed. It's a trade-off, I think, that is worth making. -developing a research question Dr. Bhattacherjee has done an excellent job of clearly communicating the content with accuracy. For example, chapters 13 15 on statistics could easily be omitted if the program has a research statistics course. Reviewed by Yen-Chu Weng, Lecturer, University of Washington on 8/21/16, Dr. Bhattacherjees book, Social Science Research, is a good introductory textbook for upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students to learn about the research process. There are some terms that the author uses that are not widely used in my field (developmental psychology, human development & family studies) but the descriptions are clear enough that I think students will be able to understand what is meant (however, it would be great to acknowledge and discuss some of these variations in terminology so the burden isn't entirely on the students who are still learning these concepts).