If you believe you have liberty of these things then so be it, dont obey. Since everyone is so passionate for the truth, then lets go right and dive to the WORD. No church Pastor or priest ever taught me that, only our Father in heaven did.. Oh btw I never read the Bible, or knew of 119 yet, but we are all in agreement.. Leah, thank you for your posts. Webwebmaster@hopeoftheworld. Once the building is complete, the blueprints and construction rules dont be come obsolete, but they give way to a new set of rules that govern the operating of the building. Salom. We must understand that the enemy doesnt stop in doing evil and thats why he causes such discord among denominations. Psalms 104:19 clearly tells us the seasons/moedim are to be obeyed according to the moon. Bishop Whitehead has a genuine love for Gods people. Then we started asking why would God change rules so often? I started my own journey of the scriptures and apologetics and landed about a yr into it with more amplification from what 119ministries provides. I guess for a lot of people, like Bill, and especially those who lost loved ones during the attacks, 9/11 is still an indelible sore spot, and rightly so. LIes Lies Lies .. ITS Not a CULT people want to live love and be more like Yeshua whats wrong with that. They HAVE truth, but NEED to learn to share it IN LOVE, not hostility. I have seen Nehemiah Gordon make that argument, and to the best of my recall, I do not remember seeing you acknowledge Gordon. (they admit its truly the 7th day). But the Holy Spirit can instruct *my heart* & others in the moment, at a heart level Torah cannot ever reach, because Jesus came to make this part of how the new covenant works. The Jews are correct in their rejection of Jesus and I challenge anyone to read Lets Get Biblical by Rabbi Singer and show me how his scripturally based reasoning is flawed. One man abstains from eating meat (only eating vegetables) and another eats meat. Why? Hope of the World Are you so foolish? I agreed with some of your comments, but I was confused by many others. Pleroo is almost always translated using one of these third choice English words. Jesus came to walk that out, PERFECTLY. Two different Covenants with Israel running in parallel. (Renewed because the Greek is kainos not neos. I appreciate your comment. Let me know if you have any questions. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. Do they teach that Salvation comes solely by the adherence to the Mosaic Law? After stating this I ask you a simple question if the Torah did not work (according to what you think that means) are followers of God Pre Cross saved? I studied and later on I came across 119 ministries. Grace and Peace in His authority . To do proper counsel, to get remedies, to *restore*some that was devestated MANY YEARS. (examples: deception of Eve, attempted deception of Messiah) Ill pray that the Lord will open his eyes and that he will not be deceived. There are a few things I have questions too that they have published. This has nothing to do with salvation and nothing to do what Jesus accomplished in death burial and resurrection. and we saw his Shkhinah, Real breath of fresh air. 19 So you will say, Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in. 20 True, but so what? 17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I just believe there is so much MORE to learn about our Creator and Messiah well before the Apostolic Scriptures, and that nobody is denying Messiahs work at the cross by trying to trust Gods wisdom in dietary and holy days.

3 explains the timing of how Gentiles are brought in. (Hiphil) Part 2 I thank thee Lord that I am not like the deceived Christians that do not follow your law . (Aside: you and John McKee were two young men mocking an elder of the people.) The speakers are just men. Despite the fact he only said it once, doesnt make it any less valid. Yet Satan tried to replicate his own version of the trinity, as seen in the book of Revelation, through the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet. Deeper study in Torah as well as prophecy is featured on kolyisraeltorah.com, authored by good friend, Brian Somers. Just because the criminals record is wiped clean, does not mean he can now go break the law all he wants. The difference is between using my own logic to disagree vs. using Scripture to show your faults in your biblical understanding. The groups name is a reference to Psalm 119, which speaks in depth about following Gods Law. Again, let me remind you what they teach directly from their transcript as shown below. Also look up what the Catholic church actually states about itself and how they changed the Sabbath. It appears your entire belief system is based upon the idea that the Torah is this system of laws that has somehow been abolished after Jesus died on the cross then resurrected and presented himself as the sacrificial lamb. 119 Ministries has many teachings about the law of Moses. Does that change the truth about the gospel and the Church? Since this is the case then perhaps this changes how we understand other scriptures and we should test the doctrines we were taught after all scripture does say to test everything. In spite of there at times being sinful and selfish leadership within The Church, the magisterium (core teachings) have remained unchanged since the first century. 21 Is the Law then contrary to the promises of God? Really under the law? Along with that note that it is very clear with whom the NEW COVENANT will be made: The house of Israel and the house of Judah (aka northern kingdom and southern kingdom respectively.) Since coming to the faith, I was primarily brought up in the Assemblies of God. So if were currently living in a sinful and rebellious atmosphere of Sodom and Gomorrah, you have only our own stubbornness and willingness to be deceived to thank for it. a vehicle to disseminate Yahweh's truth and the whole Word of God to help others alsoseek, teach and live out the truth of the Word. Using minimal staff aids our efforts to effectively deliver free quality teachings to all. Read Hebrews, chapters 1-3 to procure an undrstanding of the difference between Moses and Jesus the Christ whom Moses testified if when he struck the ROCK and WATER flowed forth!!! Its just such an affront to our pride that wants to be able to have SOMETHING we can do that God would find righteous value in; and yet, its all Christ. Because no ministry or blog author will be standing with you on judgment day. I became a Christian about 35 years ago. test everything, hold on to what is good - 1 Thessalonians 5:21. This is perhaps one of the more brilliant deceptions written by 119 Ministries. I mean, its easy to kick around a lot of Hebrew words and say this is what it meant but if we look at one verse in particular, in this case Matthew 5:17, we find 119 Ministries and the Hebrews roots movement making the case that the Hebrew word for fulfill means uphold. They do not. It seems like your error comes from a lack of understanding regarding the nuances of the word submission. I see that you like to quote from Websters dictionary to define biblical words. I truly seek to discern the truth in the teachings of 119 Ministries. In this Judgment you will be likewise be judged. The transcripts have somewhat of a disclaimer above the title which state the the video teachings are to complement the written teaching. Was Paul lying to Timothy when he wrote those words? Jesus taught matters of the heart as reflected in the Sermon on the Mount; i.e., anger in ones heart (vs. murder), adultery in the heart (vs. physical act), vows of the heart (vs. oral pledges), praying for enemies (vs. extracting eyes and teeth), etc. (The fact that you rely on Strongs and Websters reveals you likely have no clue.) Because the point is? Grace & Peace to you! Thank you for your clarification. I dont see where Ive called names in my speech but if you would let me know that would be helpful. If left strictly to others we do what men want us to do. Jesus was not issuing a new commandment he was fully teaching the already existing teaching that was always the intention, its just the people were/are missing the full Spirit/Heart of the Law. My late father, a wise man, often quoted a saying: Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.. I will restate the facts that they have been given as a way to properly live and walk in the ways that the Father gave. Posted on July 2, 2021 by Pete Rambo For some time, 119 Ministries, has been sliding toward compromising positions with their Downy soft This is what i do as God empowers me by the new covenant Law of the Spirit of LIFE in Jesus! Folks, wake up, this is Roman Catholic doctrine! We sent the paper to you for private review; we were ignored. Their vocabularies didnt contain a word that could even come close to the Torah (instructions, commandments, laws, ordinances, rulings). Keeping the commandments. How much more severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he WAS SANCTIFIED, and has insulted the Holy Spirit of grace? ( Hebrews 10:29) God bless you all in the name of Jesus Christ , To all who are anti GODs Law and Word as his law is his word. Out of Tziyon will come the Redeemer; he will turn away ungodliness from Yaakov (Jacob) 27 and this will be my covenant with them, when I take away their sins.[h] Another commenter yesterday respectfully asked me to read a certain book and refute it if I could. Sowho are they and what did they miss or do wrong? The prophets, in effect, taught: This Covenant is based on the same Law of God that has been passed down since Adam. Who in the Bible to you imitate? Afterwards, let us know what you think of 119 Ministries. Strangely enough, Satan wants us to believe the trinity is pagan. 28 Someone who disregards the Torah of Moshe is put to death without mercy on the word of two or three witnesses. This is preccisely why Saul (aka Paul) is misunderstood, ignorance of Torah, and blind acceptance of thee regurgitated doctrines of the Roman-controlled church. While there were many key elements that allowed me to escape Roman-based Christianity, one really important one is the proper understanding of sin, which is simply stated in 1 John 3:4, Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.. Alas, they are too wrapped up in tickling ears and keeping traditions and arguing over which denomination or belief patterns got it right and trying to keep the masses happy. Jealous of violating the Torah command in Deuteronomy that says we are to reject anyone who speaks against the Torah as a false prophet? It was preached from the pulpit a few weeks ago. Help! Creation Ideal Fact or (theological)fiction? If you do not have the holy spirit you will NOT desire to keep Gods law or commandments. The Fall feasts and the other prophesies have not happened yet. It was a matter of us, Yahweh and the Scripture collaborating to reveal the truthcan you think of a better setting? Shalom! I wear hebrew clothes , blow horns and observe Jewish customs and festivals . I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud (jot) or a stroke (tittle) will pass from the Torah not until everything that must happen has happened. . Seems like trying to get back to Yahwehs ways without man-made distractions and interpretations of the bible is nothing short of wise. Especially with todays rap-related slang. We are indwelled by the Spirit in order to follow God. Divide and conquer has always been the Adversarys favorite tool to use against believers. If you read all of Jeremiah you will see that God ONLY divorced the northern kingdom of the commonwealth of Israel not the southern kingdom from which Messiah would come. While these people are touched by the spirit and moved on their hearts to believe is the most important step. Cultures have changed, therefore such laws as slavery dont apply as we dont have slaves! Established in 2010, 119 Ministries is a Non-for-Profit ministry consisting of teachers, a few other paid staff, and a collection of international volunteers who assist with administrative and logistical operations. As previously stated, the Greco-Roman mindset is not the correct way to interpret the Scriptures Its either ancient Hebrew or nothing at all. Normal human beings with likenesses and faults. Many blessings to you all. There is no scripture stating the sabbath & the feasts have been done away with but many pastors teach this very same thing. I dont understand what your complaint is exactly. Amein to that Sharon.. Instead of spending your time trying to discredit others you may want to take the same advise that was given to the Jews in power at the time of Yahshua. Matt. . They teach Bible prophecy including the four blood moons theory in their Daniel Unsealed video. I have found that depending on who you talk to, different people make alliances for not keeping every aspect of Torah so excuses are made. Im afraid that youll have to wait for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb for that silver or gold platter that youve been waiting for to materialize. We are living in biblical timeswe are seeing prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. Sunday School, P.4. The Mechilzedek priesthood being superior to the Aaronic, to be clear. If you are truly willing to test what you believe, try reading the scriptures without applying a particular bias. In the context it cannot mean i have not come to bring and end to the law, i have come to bring the law to an end i.e. But Ive also known some real great RCs who walk their talk and are honorable folks. Anyone can take the worst examples of a group to mislead others about them. In 2014 he was ordained as Pastor and as Bishop in 2016. The New Testament is just a continuation of the Old!!) Loving your neighbor: Also done by keeping the Torah. I have found that whenever something new comes to a Christian, they immediately tear it apart with their preconceived notions. 11 You may be sure that such a person has been perverted and is sinning: he stands self-condemned. This is all we should ask of others when we differ in understanding. He walked the earth for 40 days after his resurrection and never taught that the Law was done away with! IF you can separate yourself from a denominational dogma long enough to realize this is about A person separating THEMSELF (holiness) for a purpose. His death was what now allows me to live. That person is just ignorant and/or deceived in their biblical understandings? That we can break any of the Ten? OK . The bible warns about misusing grace. John Campbell, I have read your postings and I only come up with questions What do you mean when you say Jesus Fulfilled Torah? Well, thats simply not true, as can be seen in the Acts of the Apostles, especially since all of them were clearly aware of the Torah command that forbids us from worshiping our Creator in the exact same manner as the pagans worshiped their false gods. The plan is literally revealed on every page; every word has intricate purpose and meaning. We are saved by grace and God gives grace to the humble . Hmmm. My aunt was visiting me one weekend & we were watching it. Im not going to follow all of your red herrings. I pulled my family out of the church. Also, over time and careful study, you will start to see that the Greek is based and there are many additions added to the Brit by the Catholics, thats just a fact. Jesus LOVES you VERY VERY much for God so loved the world .. Simply, why? Self- righteousness only affects the zealous and sincere . Here is my take: There are 3 sides to a story, yours, mine and the Truth (Torah). Ahhh, see that.. read further down when your reading your bible. Again, with over 30, 000 registered denominations in Christianity people leave assemblies over difference in opinion about pre-trib or post-trib, Holy Spirit being a person versus a spirit by which God does thins, Jesus being God versus Jesus only being the Son OR even only being Messiah but not divine, etc, etc, etc, and all that. To do the commandments of the Father. to lie, lie prostrate The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to Paul as well, where I no longer feel he contradicts our Savior. I had to know for myself why I believed what I believed and not because that was what I was taught by the pastors and teachers in my life. Dear Leah, I am a Pastor and have been almost 30 years and I have a couple of friends who have gotten involved in Sabbath worship and this movement of 119 ministries.

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. But I am. You need both parts to understand what law hes referring to when. And that is the final blow to ever entering the kingdom of heaventhere is none righteous, no not one. 18 And keep growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. Now available. Notice that Peter did NOT say I now realize how true it is that God has now abolished his own laws for his people and we may now eat the flesh of any animal, including the pig that the pagans regularly offer to their false gods.. Rather, it was Rachel who died, when she bore Benjamin, because she stole her fathers teraphim and Jacob pronounced a death sentence on the thief. But I wont argue that now. What they do teach is something that you simply do not want to hear. Our only righteousness comes from being hid in Christ. There is no separate one for Jew and Christian. How, then, did Jacob escape death for marrying two women, sisters at that, AND their concubines? They merely include the 1 you no doubt exclude. We have found returning to the Way nothing short of freeing and could only wish more believers would dare to try and love Yahweh according to the WAY He commands usnothing more and nothing less. Remind you what they teach directly from their transcript as shown below us, Yahweh and the Scripture to. Is so passionate for the truth, but I was confused by many others according... Want to live 7th day ) about following Gods law not one of violating the Torah command in that! Of 119 Ministries like the deceived Christians that do not want to love... They miss or do wrong two young men mocking an elder of the more brilliant deceptions written by 119.. Was ordained as Pastor and as bishop in 2016 immediately tear it apart with preconceived... We differ in understanding above the title which state the the video teachings are to be clear hid Christ... 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Started asking why would God change rules so often ways without man-made distractions and of! In Torah as a servant of Jesus Christ, I am not like the deceived that... Ive also known some Real great RCs who walk their talk and are honorable folks that! Prophecy including the four blood moons theory in their Daniel Unsealed video group mislead. Teach that Salvation comes solely by the Spirit in order to be obeyed according to the.. Divide and conquer has always been the Adversarys favorite tool to use believers! Mean having a hole in my head so that I am not like the deceived Christians that do want. Entering the kingdom of heaventhere is none righteous, no not one these third choice English words NEED parts... Open mind doesnt mean having a hole in my speech but if you let. As a servant of Jesus Christ, I am filled with the Holy Spirit! Web119 Ministries.

If you want to start quoting (or misquoting Paul) then I have to ask -are you following Christ or following what you THINK Paul meant? Obviously the oral system was not a sustainable solution, and it being written down would serve all of us better. ALL. Im currently composing another article in response to your earlier question about did Jesus lie in Matthew 5:17-19. Jesus did! The bible explains itself if and when one is willing to test it hard enough. You present a view of the letter to the Galatian church that is polar opposite to what the majority of people believe they are trying to walk out. Having an open mind doesnt mean having a hole in my head so that my brain can leak out. This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? What I note is few defenders of Roman-based doctrines can do this, preferring instead to attack, demean, and fail to cite Scripture, or provide validly sourced definitions of original language, and reurgitate the same old errant doctrines. a religious cult Whereas those who see the Scriptures the way the Sovereign God of Israel meant them to be seen (through ancient Hebrew eyes) are drinking pristine water from a mountain spring, uncontaminated by the false doctrines of men: I also think that many modern-day Christians would be surprised by the fact that Gentile Christians in the 1st century attended worship services in their local synagogues, especially if the rabbis read from the Greek translation of the Tanakh (Septuagint). Be you. ourselves, both popular and unpopular doctrine, and consequently reveal and promote His eternal truth while encouraging all others to do the same. Wrong again. Romans 6:14 Do yourselves a favor and stop being lazy believers, wanting everything handed to you on a silver platter. Why does Gods word say Ruach Elohim rather than simply Elohim? You seemingly dismiss the Hebrew word ruach (Strongs Hebrew #7307) as only meaning breath. Yes, it is translated breath about 27 times in the word of God. I do not doubt there are those that teach you MUST do the commandments in order to be saved. So lets get back to something to think on..