Which of these statements about using turn signals is true? In normal driving, some drivers use the hand valve before applying the brake pedal to prevent a jackknife. Turn on your four-way emergency flashers to warn others. After turning off the engine and releasing the parking brake, what is the maximum leakage rates per minute for both single and combination vehicles? Which of these is most often the best action to take, Which of these statements about engine overheating is true, C. you should never remove the radiator cap on a pressurized system until the system has cooled, You are driving a heavy vehicle with a manual transmission. You are checking your brakes and suspension system for a pre-trip Inspection. You are driving a vehicle at 55 miles per hour on dry pavement. Often make you sleepy and thus should not be used while driving. Which of these is a good thing to remember when crossing or entering traffic with a heavy vehicle? Which of the following statements about tank vehicles is true? You are traveling down a long, steep hill. 38. How do you correct a rear wheel acceleration skid? For the 13C{ }^{13} \mathrm{C}13C NMR\mathrm{NMR}NMR data, assign the various resonances to the carbon nuclei responsible for them. Which of these is a good rule to follow when putting it back in motion up the grade? Driving conditions are ideal (dry pavement, good visibility).
Based on your vehicle and its cargo, select a safe speed that is within the posted limit. If you are not sure what to use to put out hazardous material fires, you should? Brake as hard as you can, get off the brakes when the wheels lock, get back on the brakes when the wheels start rolling again. vehicle at 35mph. You are driving a vehicle that could safely be driven at 55 mph on an open road. The total weight of the powered unit, The trailer, and the cargo is called : Which piece of emergency equipment should be in your vehicle ? What does the marking mean? Which of these statements about double clutching and shifting is true? 82. You are stopped on an incline. You see an accident on the road and you wish to help. If your brakes fail on a downgrade you must first: Look outside the vehicle for other means of slowing it. You should avoid backing whenever you can. While traveling on a level road, you press the brake pedal and find that it goes to the floor. If you are forced to return to the road before stopping on the shoulder the best procedure is: Using your mirrors and turn signals edge gradually back on the road.
Which of these statements is true about shipping hazardous materials? Cargo that is not loaded or secured properly can cause many problems. 1 year You will lose your CDL for at least one year for a first offense for: Driving a CMV if your blood alcohol concentration is .04% or higher.Driving any vehicle under the influence of. It allows engine compression and friction to help the brakes slow the vehicle. Which of these is most likely the best action to take? Stop driving as soon as you can safely do so.
When a coolant container is part of a pressurized system, which of these is true? ZIKV is a Baltimore class IV virus. Where must you keep shipping papers when transporting hazardous materials? Optional safety equipment may include emergency phone numbers, tire chains and: You have been driving for a long time and you are feeling tired. 26. A key principle to remember about loading cargo is to keep the load: 95. The heavier the vehicle or the faster it is moving, the more heat the brakes have to absorb to stop it. The interlock applies the brakes and holds the throttle in idle position when rear door is open. You are coupling a tractor to a semi trailer and have backed up but are not under it. Know the escape ramp location along the route. To determine the blood alcohol content for a person it is necessary to know? Prescription drugs are allowed if the doctor says the drug will not affect safe driving ability. The proper distance to use high beams is at least ______ away from an approaching vehicle. 49. Then move back onto the pavement when it is safe. As you apply power to the drive wheels, they start to spin. Can make a vehicle more likely to tip over on curves if it is high, Special skills are required to haul liquid tanks, You can get hung up halfway across the tracks, Protect people from spilled cargo
88. Turning the wheel in the opposite direction after steering to avoid a traffic emergency. BPH_______. Which of these problems, if found, should be fixed before the vehicle is driven? Which of these is a good thing to do when steering to avoid a crash? If a hill or curve keeps drivers behind you from seeing the vehicle with 500 ft. the rear reflective triangles should be moved back down the road to give adequate warning. You are asked to deliver hazardous materials in a placarded vehicle.
What is the hottest point on the surface of an engine? There are two things that a driver can do to prevent a roll over. Service Brake: off; Parking Brake: off; Trailer air supply: out; Trolly: released. B. What is the best advice for drivers when a heavy fog occurs? Which of these actions is not recommended for a left turn? You are driving in the right lane of a four lane, undivided road, you come over a hill and find a car stopped ahead in your lane. How many seconds of space should you have between you and the vehicle ahead? Which of these is not true about engine belts in hot water? Which of these statements is true? What is the normal surface temperature of a cat converter? The distance that you should look ahead of your vehicle while driving is about ____ mile at highway speeds, The distance that you should look ahead of your vehicle while driving is ______ at low speeds. You should: 62. Which of these statements about double clutching and shifting is true? Which of the following statements about causes of vehicle fires is true? You have fully charged air system (125). Otherwise, click the red Don't know box. 68. For your safety, when setting out reflective triangles you should? Only in states where it is required by law. Which of these statements about driving in areas with strong winds is true? Which of these statements about tires and hot weather driving is true? You are checking your steering and exhaust systems in the pre-trip inspection. 150
Which one of these is not part of the check of the engine compartment done for a pre trip inspection?
You should lightly apply your brakes to flash the brake lights if: You're about to exit the road and need to slow down. Which of these is a good thing to do when driving at night? B. you will have time to plan your escape if the hazard You do not have a hazardous materials endorsement on your commercial drivers license. Which of these will probably not help when your windshield becomes covered with ice? Many heavy vehicle accidents occur between midnight and 6:00 a.m. What is the least amount of space that you should keep in front of your vehicle to be safe? Consider the 1H{ }^1 \mathrm{H}1H NMR\mathrm{NMR}NMR spectrum of meso-stilbene dibromide. You are stopped on a one way or divided highway.
Find another route that will not require driving under the object. Which of these statements about driving in areas with strong winds is true? Which of these is NOT one of them? 23. You have left the road in an emergency condition, it is impossible for you to come to a stop prior to returning to the road, which of the following is the best action to take? What can legally hold a parking or emergency brake in position for a truck, truck tractor or bus? How much tire depth should you have on your front tires when driving in the winter? If you do not have a Hazardous Material Endorsement on your Commercial Driver License, you can: drive a vehicle that carries hazardous materials if it does not require placards. Look outside the vehicle for other means of slowing down. B. There are two left turn lanes (marked "A" and "B") on Elm Street, and Oak Street is a four-lane street with two lanes in each direction. What should you do? You are checking your wheels and rims for a pre-trip inspection. When starting a bus on a level surface with good traction, there is often no need for: What is the term for a commercial vehicle's habit of swinging wide on turns? Which of these can cause a vehicle to skid? Which of these is true regarding the use of drugs while driving? Which of these pieces of emergency equipment should be carried at all times in your vehicle? You have coupled with a semi trailer. To correct a rear wheel (drive wheel) braking skid, you should: While driving, ice builds up on your wipers and they no longer clean the windshield. Responding to hazard by slowing the vehicle. A. Keep your speed slow enough that you can stop within the range of your headlights. B. Look directly at oncoming headlights only briefly. C. Keep your instrument lights bright. A. Keep your speed slow enough that you can stop within the range of your headlights. If your vehicle catches fire while you are driving, you should:
Which of these statements about tires and hot-weather driving is true? An oncoming driver drifts into your lane and is headed straight for you. You should avoid driving through deep puddles or flowing water. are in the same box the next time you log in. Which of these is not true about braking in an emergency situation? The application pressure gauge shows the driver how much pressure: If your vehicle has an alcohol evaporator, every day during cold weather you should: During normal driving, spring brakes are usually held back by: Air braking takes more time than hydraulic braking because air brakes: Need to have airflow through the lines to work.
The amount of liquid to load into a tank depends on: You are starting your vehicle in motion from a stop.
You must exit a highway using an off-ramp that curves downhill. You should use your mirrors to check: 22. A high center of gravity means you are more likely to do the following: The maximum safe weight a tire can carry at a specified pressure. You are driving a 40-foot vehicle at 35 mph. 19. Which of the following does not provide extra Gears on some trucks ? According to the driver's manual, why should you limit the use of your horn? But traffic is now heavy, moving at 35 MPH although the speed limit is 55. 2.1.3-What to Look For -Bad Brake Drums or Shoes: Cracked drums. Chapter 26 Practice Test Wildfire Investigati, Chapter 27 Practice Test Management of Comple, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer. Which of these is true about hazardous materials? you have a large enough gap in the traffic to enter the road. In the pouch of the driver`s door or on the driver`s seat. About how much total stopping distance will you need to bring it to a stop?