Does the nameAlain Lockeleap out at you? Nothing in the passage suggests sinfulness has prompted his discontent. One daythe matron had said to her: Maria, you are a veritable peace-maker!, And the sub-matron and two of the Board ladies. Luckily, I am writing a memoir and not a workof fiction, and therefore I do not have to account formy grandmothers unpleasing character and lookfor the Oedipal fixation or the traumatic experience, Line (5)which would give her that clinical authenticity thatis nowadays so desirable in portraiture. (A) Formal training may often destroy an artists originality. So, do things in order. The position of the deeps near the continentalmasses suggests that the deeps, like the highestmountains, are of recent origin, since otherwisethey would have been filled with waste from the, (20)lands. Her husbandtreated her kindly. Reading Test 65 MINUTES 52 QUESTIONS 2. If you find the characters in a passage foolish or pompous, the author may well be writing satirically. 22. In tackling thelongreading passages, first read the passage; then read the questions. 4. The passage mentions recognition given to Jones only in passing. Heisnt watching the ground, because he knows they havent built a canal or aswimming pool since he was last there. (D)Tapestry weaving is time-consuming, taking as much as a year to produce a yard. In addition, it is faithful to the original (The weaver always follows a preexisting model.) It is not, however, spontaneous in concept. This stoic grace was not achieved without a terrible price: DiMaggiowas a man wound tight. 5. Passage 2 is from a meditation on the game written in 1989 by the late literary scholar A. Bartlett Giamatti, then commissioner of baseball. 6. I do notknow how my grandmother got the way she was;I assume, from family photographs and from theinflexibility of her habits, that she was always the. She was a fineyoung woman; and had she been a man, would havebeen a fine young man. Skip to the questions. . In Eskimo art there is much evidence of humorwhich the carvers have in abundance. Dont skip it. D) regarded speech like Miss J's as a means of self-improvement. It can be inferred from the passage that all the following are characteristic of Maria EXCEPT. In Passage 1 Mary McCarthy shares her memories of her Catholic grandmother, who raised McCarthy and her brother after their parents death. Tackle them one at a time. You may never have encountered the term before you read this passage. She, and she alone, preventedthe whole family from falling into utter disrepute andbeggary. Answer them. When Asked to Find the Main Idea, Be Sure to Check the Opening and Summary Sentences of Each Paragraph. 9. E) past life and true identity are always present. Then run your eye down the passage, looking for those key words or their synonyms. Writing and Language Test 35 MINUTES 44 QUESTIONS 3. (A)The author mentions tapestrys distinctive orcharacteristicweave as something that distinguishes tapestry-woven materials from other fabrics (prints, brocades, etc.). The words according to the passage or according to the author should focus your attention on what the passage explicitly states. //]]>. Well, sneered Perrot, any scandals from the big city? Like a Huguenotimagining Rome, he built up a picture of frivolity, viciousness, and corruption. Dawson exclaimed and struck at his hand. According to the passage, Valentin is unhappy about being at the Louvre because he, (A) hates the paintings of the Italian masters, (B) has accidentally met Newman in the long hall, (D) feels that beauty should be that of nature, (E) is supposed to guide his cousin through it, 20. (A)Terms such as unendingly, ultimately, and ceaseless indicate that the mountains are made level over an enormouspassage of years. (35)entire walls and often doors as well. 1. I had believed in thebest parlor as a most elegant salon; I had believedin the front door as a mysterious portal of the Temple. (C)Valentin confides in Newman, telling the American why he is so irritated. When he satand watched the game he chain-smoked and drank endless cups of coffee.He was ever conscious of his obligation to play well. I told you hed be here. Dawsonlooked across at Wilson and saw him blush at Perrots betrayal, saw too thathis eyes gave the lie to his youth. The correct answer is Choice B. In other words, freedom depends onthe internalizationof what they have learned. Nothing in the passage suggests he is usually unwelcome in his own home. We can see, and even feel with ourhands, the cold sleekness of seals, the hulking weightof walrus, the icy swiftness of trout, the flowingrhythm in a flight of geese. Read the following ethnic reading passage and apply this tactic. She neither dressed young, nor talked, Line (5)young, nor indeed looked young. (40)strides were made in mapping submarine surfaces,particularly in many parts of the vast Pacific basin. It is the correct answer. Although the French are mentioned, nothing suggests that the story takes place in France, a European country not noted for uncleared wilderness or tropical rains. 6. Remember that the questions following each reading passage arenotarranged in order of difficulty. Throughout the passage, the author discusses geological phenomena. The language of the passage most resembles the language of. Tapestries are made on looms. Lady Bertram had no worries to take away from her pleasure at Sir Thomass return. Read the following passage carefully before you choose your answers. Hes watching the ball and the, (10)outfielder, which is the one thing that is different on every play., DiMaggio complemented his natural athletic ability with astonishingphysical grace. 20. If, however, youre not a speed demon at reading, a more effective move may be to skim the whole passage and then read the questions. The story itself is not set on a boat. Wilson came in to a welcome from Mrs. Perrot. Would Sir Thomas have consented to eat, she might have gone to the housekeeper with troublesome directions; but Sir Thomas, (60)resolutely declined all dinner; he would take nothing, nothing till tea camehe would rather wait for tea. As you read the opening sentences, try to anticipate what the passage will be about. (45)carvings are caricatures of themselves, of ourselves,and of situations, or records of ancient legends. The young Frenchmangreeted him with ardor, and assured him that he wasa godsend. 2. The authors attitude toward the concept of the equality of spectators and performers (lines 55 and 56) is one of. Impatience, not patience, distinguishes him. Choice D is incorrect. The second question on the Greene passage is a tone question. The near-legendary history of the American Westmight have been quite different had the Mexicannot brought cattle-raising to New Mexico and Texas.The Spanish style of herding cattle on open ranges, Line (5)was different from the style of other Europeans,particularly the English. Choices B and C are incorrect. On the other hand, the performer also resents the audience, resents the way spectators freely point out his weaknesses and criticize his art. (B)The opening lines indicate that the narrator isreflecting on his feelings. Although the presence of a doctor and the talk of dying patients suggests a hospital and Dawsons comment implies that people elsewhere are concerned with a war, nothing in the passage suggests that it is set in a wartime blackout. Answer the questions on Passage 2. Over the course of the passage, the main focus of the narrative shifts from the . The sole mention of Charlottes mother (lines 3335) states that she was encouraged in her idleness by Charlotte. Lines 29-34 ("I thought . SAT Practice Test 50 Question No 2. Three single-passage Reading Comprehension passages are included. He has no reason to be bitter. Nothing in the passage specifically suggests selfishness or unselfishness on his part, merely irritability. Key Terms in Questions on Technique or Style, similarity of functions or properties; likeness. Choice C is incorrect. Throughout the passage, the author does all of the following EXCEPT, 14. (E)In candidly exposing her grandmothers flaws, the author exhibits asardonicor scornful and sarcastic attitude. Only Statement III is correct. For, though it includes what I proceed to add, (45)all the merit of what I proceed to add was Joes.It was not because I was faithful, but because Joewas faithful, that I never ran away and went for asoldier or a sailor. Line 43 states there is much evidence of humor in Eskimo art. However, she acknowledges there is some truth in what the teachers have said; islandershavealways borrowed. Each passage mentions which of the following as being important to the writers grandmother? The passage never deals with specific questions of craft or technique. (A) He is even more indolent than his wife. Still Mrs. Norris was at intervals urging something different; and in the most interesting moment of his passage to England, when the alarm of a French, (65)privateer was at the height, she burst through his recital with the proposal of soup. (20)had heard the compliment. Since only Charlotte could persuade her father to look after his affairs (lines 14 and 15), he apparently was willing to let her manage matters for him and willingly surrendered his authority. (E)The first paragraph notes that ranches can develop where large amounts of land are available. (A) Indicating that actors should rise out of respect for the arts, (B) Defining the way in which he is using a particular term, (C) Encouraging actors to show tolerance for their fellow artists, (D) Emphasizing that actors are superior to other performing artists, (E) Correcting a misinterpretation of the role of actors, 7. 8. Remember, when asked to make inferences, base your answers on what the passage implies, not what it states directly. We may infer from the care with which Maria has cut the barmbracks (lines 710) that, (C) she expects the Board members for tea, 10. (C)The authors use of such terms as powerful ability (line 2), masters in the understanding of animal anatomy (line 28), and living excitement (line 55) indicates anadmirationfor the art. 3. They were usually commissionedor bought as sets, or chambers, and constitutedthe most important furnishings of any grand room, (40)except for the display of plate, throughout the MiddleAges and the sixteenth century. DiMaggio had size, power, and speed. Long training is needed to become a professional. If you generally get bogged down answering EXCEPT questions, these may be good ones for you to skip temporarily; plan to come back to them if you dont run out of time. (E)The first paragraph tells of the adoption of Mexican methods of handling animals, and the second speaks of Mexican contributions to riding equipment. It would be silly to miss an answer not because you misunderstood the passages meaning, but because you didnt know a common question word. Choice A is incorrect. Only veryoccasionally were they made as individual works of artsuch as altar frontals. Lady Bertrams fluttered or discomposed state on his arrival indicates her surprise. Youll be in a better position to understand what you read. Choice A is incorrect. ("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var d=0;a=c[d];++d){var e=a.getAttribute("data-pagespeed-url-hash");e&&(! They could hardly have done less., There are some cases of fever, said the doctor, but most are just exhaustion the worst disease. This exercise provides you with a mixture of reading passages similar in variety to what you will encounter on the SAT. This implies that he in general approves rather than disapproves of her concern. The author specifically states that Maria has cut the loaves. (D)Throughout the passage, the author defines terms:continental shelves, deeps, relief. The phrase a man wound tight (line 26) means a man. It may be inferred from the passage that the young man has been apprenticed to a, 3. It was not because I hada strong sense of the virtue of industry, but because, (50)Joe had a strong sense of the virtue of industry,that I worked with tolerable zeal against the grain.It is not possible to know how far the influence ofany amiable honest-hearted duty-going man fliesout into the world; but it is very possible to know. In the sentence immediately preceding, the author says that, if DiMaggio appeared to play effortlessly, his teammates knew otherwise. The author then introduces a comment by Woodling, one of DiMaggios teammates. Look at the opening and summary sentences of the two paragraphs that make up the passage: Lois Mailou Jones is one example ofBlack or female American artists to include in art history textbooks and classes, It was in Paris that she first felt free to paint, Indeed, the scope of [her] career spans the development of twentieth-century art. McCarthy would most likely react to the characterization of her grandmother, like Heilbruns grandmother, as one of the sustaining women (lines 78 and 79) by pointing out that, (A) this characterization is not in good taste, (B) the characterization fails to account for her grandmothers piety, (C) the details of the familys social life support this characterization, (D) her grandmothers actual conduct is not in keeping with this characterization, (E) this characterization slightly exaggerates her grandmothers chief virtue. There have been occasions inmy later life (I suppose as in most lives) when I have, (25)felt for a time as if a thick curtain had fallen on allits interest and romance, to shut me out from anything save dull endurance any more. 4. A quick review of the questions may give you a feeling for what to look for when you return to the text. Thus, in his side comment, he isdefininghow he intends to use the wordactorsthroughout the discussion. Just as she takes pride in her peacemaking, she takes pride in her ability to slice barmbracks evenly. Their works are characterized byanatomical accuracy. (45)only 1150 feet; and Asia, the highest of the largercontinental subdivisions, averages 3200 feet. Mischaracterizations: Sometimes a single word will mischaracterize the author's . Valentin would probablynotagree with Statement III. Just as it will help you to know the directions for the sentence completion questions on the SAT, it will also help you to familiarize yourself with the major types of reading questions on the test. The doctor has judged the French. You must put two and two together and see what you get. Whenever you are asked to determine a passages main idea,alwayscheck each paragraphs opening and summary sentences. A. suggest the peacefulness of the natural world. According to McWilliams (lines 2025), the American ranchers contribution to the development of cattle-raising in the Southwest was primarily, 3. (65)Under her jealous eye, its social properties hadatrophied, and it functioned in the family structuresimply as a political headquarters. Throughout the passage he uses words like miserable, ashamed, and discontented to describe his emotional state. The discussion of the "greatest of poets and philosophers" in the third paragraph suggests that the . 22. 9. Never has thatcurtain dropped so heavy and blank, as when my wayin life lay stretched out straight before me through. 2. As you can see, the SAT-makers attempt to respect the feelings of minority group members. Here are two questions, followed by a short reading passage. 5. Option B: introduce the specific research topic addressed in the passage. (A) The . (C) He feels remorse for his professional misconduct. 3. (E) It confirmed the feasibility of her pursuing a career as an artist. They will give you a sense of the meaning of the unfamiliar word. The horror of pregnancyin an unmarried girl is difficult, perhaps, to recapturenow. (A)While a spectator may feel powerfully involved with a filmed or televised image of a performer, the filmed image is unaffected by the spectators feelings. it caused her to re-examine the nature of her art. 4. The following passage comes from a Canadian Arts Council text on Inuit sculpture, the art practiced by Eskimo master carvers. In contrast to nineteenth century tapestries, contemporary tapestries, 20. He is criticizing his English cousins choice of clothes, not his mothers. With her,this was not the gentle and tremulous protectivenessendemic in old ladies, who fear for the safety oftheir possessions with a truly touching anxiety, (55)inferring the fragility of all things from the brittlenessof their old bones and hearing the crash ofmortality in the perilous tinkling of a tea-cup. Make Use of the Introductions to Acquaint Yourself with the Text. Inspite of all their new contacts with the outsiders, theyare still concerned with their own kind of mystical, (15)imagery. 3. The continents stand on the average 2870 feetslightly more than half a mileabove sea level.North America averages 2300 feet; Europe averages. Thecarvers are also butchers of meat, and thereforemasters in the understanding of animal anatomy.Flesh and bones and sheaths of muscle seem to move, (30)in their works. Use the Line References in the Questions to Be Sure Youve Gone Back to the Correct Spot in the Passage. The passage is primarily concerned with A.evaluating a method used to test a particular scientific hypothesis B.discussing explanations . The questions are organized sequentially: questions about Passage 1 come before questions about Passage 2. English College answered expert verified The passage primarily suggests that:_______. (B)Note the adjectives used to describe Joe: faithful, industrious, kind. These are virtues, and Joe is fundamentallyvirtuous. (30)pennant race, columnist Jimmy Cannon asked him why he played so hardthegames, after all, no longer meant so much. If no one can accurately define the right way or wrong way to create a carving (lines 4849), clearly Eskimo carving lacksstylistic uniformity. The SAT generally provides numbered line references to help you locate the relevant section of the passage. Answer all questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages. Sometimes the word is a common one, and you must determine its exact meaning as used by the author. This is pure invention. Theindividuals power to dominate, on stage or field invests the whole arena aroundthe locus of performance with his or her power. 11. Their lines will be numbered as if they were oneenormouspassage: if Passage 1 ends on line 42, Passage 2 will begin on line 43. 17. Youve just read the first passage. Look for the wordpurein the passage. However, they are two separate passages. Which of the following best describes the development of this passage? Nothing in the passage suggests either might be the case. Tapestries were portablegrandeur, instant splendor, taking the place, northof the Alps, of painted frescoes further south. Go through the questions that follow, applying the tactics youve just learned. That is one of myennuis. In running bases, DiMaggio never lets himself be distracted by looking at the bases or down at the ground; as Stengel says, he knows where they are. Therefore, you can rule out Choice C. In lines 2225, the author provides the example of a deeps being the site of an earthquake. My grandmothers sexual history, bristlingwith infant mortality in the usual style of her period, (15)was robust and decisive: three tall, handsome sonsgrew up, and one attentive daughter. The following passage is taken fromGreat Expectationsby Charles Dickens. There is no debate for and against the authors thesis or point about Jones; the only details given support that point. 1. A third question on the Jones passage tests you on a specific detail. Choice C is incorrect. In line 7 (Yesborrowed), the author does which of the following? Then look at the two passages. The author gives examples of cowboy slang (lines 3437) in order to, (B) show that he is familiar with the subject, (C) prove that many cowboys lacked education, (D) point out the differences between Americas East and West, (E) demonstrate how these terms originated. She had been painting scenes of Paris in the style of the French impressionists. Give yourself a break. 1. 3. If you cannot find a topic sentence, ask yourself these questions: 2. It takes less time to locate a line number than to spot a word or phrase. Learn to spot the major reading question types. The French behaved well this time at least, Dawson remarked. Then, the performeris free; for then, all that has been learned, by thousands of hours of practiceand discipline and by repetition of pattern, becomes natural. (D)The references to the forge (line 13) and the anvil (line 23) support Choice D. None of the other choices are suggested by the passage. But there can be noquestion that she impaired her six daughters forautonomy as thoroughly as if she had crippled themmore so. When the cook told her everything was ready, (25)she went into the womens room and began to pullthe big bell. It can be inferred from lines 8 and 9 that American ranches developed in the West rather than the East because, (A) more Spanish-speaking people lived in the West, (B) there was more money available in the West, (C) people in the East were more bound by tradition, (D) many jobless men in the East wanted to become cowboys, (E) there was more unsettled land available in the West, 2. This suggestion is strengthened by the factthat the deeps are frequently the sites of world-shakingearthquakes. Choices C and E are incorrect. Growing rice down here wouldteach them what work is.. Heilbrun is critical of her grandmother primarily because, (A) she would not allow her husband to enjoy himself, (B) she could not accept her own vulnerability, (C) she fostered a sense of sexual inadequacy, (D) she discouraged her daughters independence, 18. 1. Choice D is incorrect. The oceans attain their greatest depths not intheir central parts, but in certain elongated furrows,or long narrow troughs, calleddeeps. Its not that formidable, especially if you deal with it our way. Mrs. Norris was by no means to be compared in, (40)happiness to her sister. Your reading score will improve. Occasionally it fails to do so. With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree? 17. It should be noted that context clues are the hints that are given by the author. Clearly, both Black and female American artists exist. It was so agreeable to her to see him again, and hear him talk, to have her ear amused and her whole. (20)themselves very unpleasantly situated in Barchester. The following passage is excerpted from the short story Clay inDublinersby James Joyce. in fact, if a passage doesnt start out bland, they revise it and cut out the spice. Each carver, (50)must follow his own way, in his own time. Marias obedience to the cook and to the matron shows her respect for authority. Thus, the statement that there are no Black or female American artists to include in art history texts or classes is anallegation(unproven accusation) that our Black and female artists are not good enough to be included in the texts. How does this affect the sort of tone and attitude questions the SAT-makers ask? Well, sneered Perrot, any scandals from the big city? Like a Huguenot imagining Rome, he built up a picture of frivolity, viciousness, and corruption. (D)The passage discusses sculpture, so it can be inferred that the common plastic language means the commonsculpturallanguage. Make a special note of these types. 9. Choice E is incorrect. It is a standardized test aimed at a wide variety of test-takership-hop fans, political activists, 4-H members, computer hacks, readers ofGQ. 3. The opening and closing sentences of each paragraph are key sentences for you to read. Foreign missions, with. Remember, when asked to make inferences, base your answers on what the passage implies, not what it states directly. (D)In comparison to the tightly-woven tapestries of the nineteenth century, present day wall-hangings are described as coarsely woven cloths. Thus, theyhave a less fine weavethan their predecessors. Thus, he is a puritan of sorts, a person who condemns practices that he regards as impure or corrupt. 10. You can eliminate Choice E. Only Choice C is left. But thathas nothing to do with the borrin in this game. Though he is about to offer to go off with Newman, Valentin has not yet refused to do as his mother wished. Option A: present a claim that is supported and developed over the course of the passage. In stating that her grandmothers greatest weapon was her own vulnerability (lines 98 and 99), Heilbrun implies that her grandmother got her way by exploiting her childrens. What should I care for their beauty?Its a bore, and, worse still, its a reproach. Sir Thomass attitude toward Mrs. Norris can best be described as one of, 16. By not one of the circle was he listened to with such unbroken unalloyed enjoyment as by his wife, (20)whose feelings were so warmed by his sudden arrival, as to place her nearer agitation than she had been for the last twenty years. He disapproves of it for its wickedness and frivolity. Go back to both passages as needed. The authors attitude toward Eskimo art is one of. Though the narrator may not show himself as hard-working, nothing in the passage suggests laziness led to his discontent. The passage suggests that the narrators increasing discontent with his home during his apprenticeship was caused by, (A) a new awareness on his part of how his home would appear to others, (B) the increasing heaviness of the labor involved, (C) the unwillingness of Joe to curb his sisters temper, (D) the narrators lack of an industrious character, (E) a combination of simple ingratitude and sinfulness, 5. The matron shows her respect for authority each paragraphs opening and closing sentences of each paragraph are key sentences you... Addition, it is not, however, she takes pride in her idleness by Charlotte tackling thelongreading,... The sole mention of Charlottes mother ( lines 3335 ) states that Maria has cut the loaves grace not! He isdefininghow he intends to use the line References to help you locate the relevant section of the quot... Painted frescoes further south offer to go off with Newman, telling the ranchers. 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